What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 511 through 516 (of 522 total)
  • Author
    • #53900
      Danielle Vergonet

      For me I really found my direction in course 1. Slowly I understand everything more and I am very happy about it. I feel myself growing generally in life. In course 2 I like to dive deeper and just see what comes out. Every Sunday I am very excited about the lesson

    • #53892
      tefo bogosi

      It was as if my nomadic search for my path back home to discovering who I am and why am I here may be coming to an end. The course made me feel like I had finally stumbled upon a guide and path that can aid me in my desire to  truly know myself and comprehend my purpose in contributing towards the oneness of all.

      From this course I expect a deepening grasp and feel of who we are and why are we here.

    • #53875

      Hope to live this world.

      To Connect with Creator.

    • #53869

      My best experience? Feeling like I’ve come  home.

    • #53856

      My best experience was realizing that the material was the real deal and is a science not a religion. I expect what was previously learned to be expanded on.

    • #53801

      My best experience from the previous course was the course itself. I was enjoying the fact that everything is explained in details, using examples. Thank you for this!

      What do I expect from this course : Continuing to understand more and deeper about every topics ahead.

Viewing 6 posts - 511 through 516 (of 522 total)
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