What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #191220

      After nearly 10 years of studying Kabbalah through Dr. Laitman’s books and a few online engagements with Bnei Baruch events, my best experience from Kabbalah Revealed – Part 1 was gaining new clarity around the terminologies and use of language, as well as, internal sensations of “re-cognition” that I cannot really articulate.

    • #191070
      Theresa H

      My best experience I can say was gaining peace of mind. Growing up from a multicultural religious family I get so many different view points on what religion should be. This has opened my door to a more spiritual sense that is less stressful than religion just on its own. People especially family members can be so stereotypical when it comes to religion and a lot of it is just lack of understanding. With my own personal relationship with God I believe I have became more Jew-ish than anything but, the most church I spent time in is Catholic due to my cousins being catholic but my intermediate family didn’t go to church my mom just stated she grew up Protestant. I briefly have read parts of the Bible and even was gifted a study Bible and have came up with my own interpretations that have lead me I believe to be more Liberal Jew-ish than anything. I’ve had experiences in life that seem negative spirituality (my life has been protected by Gods shield I feel literally, I am my own witness) and I had to change my mind set on religion to gain more piece of mind for me to take care of my family, which is my most important purpose in life. If I could end human hunger I would but, no one has been able to accomplish that but,  I can do what I need to keep my family safe and happy.
      I hope this course can help me learn and grow more in spirituality and, be on the right path that God has set for me. I do hope that God does continue to have his way with me and in return I can be the best I can be in this life time and give my children a better chance at starting as adults than where I started and maybe in return make the world one step better than it is. It is very sad how humanity as a whole is so stuck in a egocentric state to the point they try to kill each other off. It is also sad how listening to the news that people can go back into racism like we are living in the past of the 1940s-1970s. I don’t get it! I mean growing up in such a multicultural community it seems so surreal like the earth is going through a black hole right now. I just hope with this course I can ride my ship like Noah and we can all make it through this storm called life better and that I can be better and more like our creator than when I entered.

    • #190948

      My best experience:

      I am actually more confused now than I have ever been before. It feels like my world is upside down. I am not quite sure what to think. There are so many “theories, methodologies, religions” out there so I am wondering if Kabbalah is really the ultimate TRUTH. This is an uncomfortable experience but despite the discomfort I am drawn to learning more.

      What I expect is to deepening my intellectual understanding but far more importantly to have a spiritual awakening and or experience such than I can be certain that this is the path for me to follow.

      • #191225
        Theresa H

        Hope it gets better for you!

    • #190947


    • #189562

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>The best experience from the previous course was to begin grasping the concepts of kabbalah and wanting to know more.</p>
      I  expect from this course getting close to the creator.

    • #189331

      The best was finding myself finally at home.

      I expect to continue learning

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