What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #221742

      I don’t know.  I really dont know…. I had several doubts for many years which was disturbing me and depressed me…. Why me? Why always i am wrong.. What went wrong with me…? Why cant i?

      But after started studying kabbalah some light have started to make things clear and better..

    • #221688

      The first course illuminated to me the degree of (stuff) from 60 years of life that is working to block clarity on receiving this material. I hope and will work in this second course to set this stuff down to participate openly and just receive information as it is presented so that I can focus on transforming my desires intention.

    • #220822

      I love study Kabbalah. I made a deal with myself: I will study all days of my life. Which I hope be long. And eternal through the group and connecting my brain to the internet too. Joke!

    • #220078

      In the last course I gained a sense that I am on the right path … I am expecting this next course to gain more insight in getting closer to unifying with the Creator

    • #219425

      Part I of the course framed my earlier reading about Kabbalah by authors such as Gershom Scholem, Rabbi David Cooper, Moses Maimonides, and Will Parfitt in a totally unexpected way. I was enamored of all the descriptions and discussion of of G-d, the Etz Chaim, and the Sephirot, and missed entirely the underlying truth. We are designed entirely to receive. As mortals we struggle to exist in a competitive world, but there is the pathway of kabbalah to godliness to attain equivalence of form with the will of the Creator entirely to bestow. The incentive is to tone down our mortal pleasures and attain the higher and ineffable pleasure of bestowal.

      Now I expect to learn and apply additional essential principles of thought and conduct to move toward equivalence of form.

    • #219218

      I think the biggest effect upon me was the realization that I can learn  so much just through observing Nature. It has been very humbling for me and I can’t wait to delve into Part II. Thank you again for the study materials.

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