What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #222479
      Bonnie A. Bus

      This point in the hart. Being aware of the unknown and that it could help us becoming more friendly, altruistic  and less egoistic, without loosing the will to receive, but gaining the will to to bestow.

      I always thought that I had to give up my desires to be less egoistic, but that’s not what Kabalah is about. It is about tuning in in the feeling to learn to bestow and then you naturally can give up your egoism. It is about that process.

    • #222412
      Gelaye Gudisa

      In the Kabbalah revealed one I understand human nature and spiritual world is a world of desire, having a desire to know the creator the beginning of a spiritual journey.

    • #222066

      Attaching to their peoples desires. I want to start working with the methodology by connecting to other students!

    • #222024

      I would say the best part of the last course was actually the requirement to “unlearn.” Having previously held understandings torn down, dismantled, and handed back nearly unrecognizable was a strange kind of refreshment. I’m hoping to go much deeper in this course and would like to feel more connected soon to actual lifestyle changes as a result. Currently this still feels like a subject of study, and not as much a way of life for me. My perceptions have certainly changed, and I can tell I am farther along than I was- just maybe not in a specified measurable way. Perhaps this next course will clarify my own position on the ladder

    • #221939
      Maria B. W12

      It is nice and somewhat frustrating becoming a student again :-). Albeit never stopped learning, I  found structured study too disciplined at first. Still, the waves of frustration switched on kind a light bulb in my head. That I must be on the right path with Kabbalah if my ego wants to resist and manages to give me occasionally a hard time.

      Over this first year, the KABU study environment, the first part of the Kabbalah Revealed course, the books, the Retreat and the loving, caring attitude I feel at the zoom sessions help me through, inspire me and bring the joy of purpose and faith.

      In the second part of Kabbalah Revealed I look forward to gaining a bit deeper understanding of the structure of the inner and outer reality with the guidance of Tony,  and hope bettering myself in being a support for the friends on the course.

    • #221917

      What was my best experience from the previous course?


      Getting to understand the Masah/Screen. As well as how important it is to understand that mechanism of rejecting the light as a vessel to then become aware of, that my real task is to receive the light, and then by receiving it, I am fulfilling my purpose, to then accept all the given light from Him, in order to start bestowing, just like him!


      What do I expect from this course?

      About the single and loving force. I really look forward to studying how the heck is possible to sicken badly myself or see my core family members sickening badly as well as any other crisis happening around me, either in regards to money, natural disasters, and to be thankful to the creator for such thins?! That’s why I loo forward to learning about Revelation and Concealment, to really and for once and for all, be able, not only to see the overview but to understand it!

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