What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #428640
      Leila Havran

      The best experience form the last course was…the whole course…I found myself smiling and noting and even laughing out of joy as I’ve been seeking this method for so long…The joy of learning how to bestow, how to be with our friends, fellow desires, how to seek their advancement first was so breathtakingly beautiful. I cannot wait to begin the journey of becoming a true practitioner…

    • #428284

      I don’t recall if it was in the course materials, or if it was part of a YouTube video on the KabbalahInfo channel, or if I read it in the Zohar… but I learned that a collective prayer is answered with the revelation of evil. That when we raise a big effective collective prayer for unity and progress, (like we did last autumn,) that it is answered with an advancement in time. We are granted something that will speed our progress towards correction and potentially eliminate a lot of suffering that could have happened along the way. And that something speeds our progress through a revelation of the evil of egoism within us, (and the collective which is also us.)

      This solved some cognitive dissonance for me, because I have felt the collective raising a prayer in the past year, and I didn’t understand how it was answered. But now I do.

      I understand that we absolutely cannot resolve division in the collective through opposition. It doesn’t work. It has the opposite effect.

      The only thing we can do is abstain from using our own egoistic desires in order to prevent ourselves from further harm to ourselves and the collective. And we can support others as they go on their journey to the realization that division and egoism wont work or them… and as much as they thought they wanted it, when they actually get it it will come with the revelation of its evil, and they will understand how desperately they do not want it. And through our empathy and connection with the collective and those people, we will also receive the revelation and advance quickly towards correction. The deeper our desire for good toward those people, the more we get to share in their revelation, advancement, refinement and correction.

      The collective prayer was answered. It was answered with exactly what will speed us towards knowing ourselves and desiring correction and intervention from the Creator.

      He is good that does good. And there is none else besides Him.

    • #428150

      so many  experiences, it wouldn’t be fair to my experience to just pick one, all them adding to my growth. and i expect the incoming additional experiences that I will  acquire in this course , will even make more growth and more revelations, adding to my rebuilding, excited to again meet another piece of myself  at the end of this course.

    • #428016

      My best experience was learning something that feels so right.. I need more info

    • #428011

      my best experience was learning to ask correctly when I pray.
      what do I expect from the next course is how to connect to others around the world to make things better for everyone, for the planet, and most importantly to the creator

    • #427971

      My best experience was to learn that prayer is the desire to change myself.

      What I expect from this course is to connect more with other people. So far, I have been happily living in my little world with my wife and kiddos. Connecting with other people has often times been a disappointment. I am very curious to see if this course will make a change in that.

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