What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 334 total)
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    • #336772
      Esther Benzaquen

      My best experience with previous learning is the discovery of a higher reality. Therefore, I want to continue studying Kabbalah and delve deeper into the meaning of Minyan.

    • #336423

      I expect to continue with my growth as a person and continue to develop my connection with our Creator.

    • #336057

      Kabbalah in Action has been a beacon of light for me. I really enjoy coming to the computer  each week & discovering something else new to learn. Somehow I feel a great attraction to the new vistas opening up.   I feel that it is already changing how I view myself in the world, and I m keen for more. I mean, I m seeing my own faults more which would be cringing, if it weren’t balanced by the other aspect which is to reach a higher level of development. I calculate its worth accepting the pain because of the potential gain.

      I had wondered if this was the moment we d start in our group of 10, and I m quite glad there is more preparation and just a toe in the water.  The main AIM, to get to operate in the Spiritual world is too important to rush into, so I m happy to move towards it in a steady manner.  The idea of arriving at the moment  ( however long it takes ), when we FEEL the personal interest of the Reforming Light, is both incredibly exhilarating and also scary, as its such a responsibility and so far in advance of where I am now.

    • #335222
      Dennis Ibrahim

      The importance of the group and connection and how this helps to increase our desire to receive more Light

    • #334181

      Learning of the importance of connection with others, and where within ourselves that we are actually connecting with, correcting within ourselves, to connect our desire to the desire of the Creator. I am looking forward to learning how to actualize what we have been taught so far. Thank you Julian and everyone for your feedback here.

    • #334077

      Knowing that I am building a foundational practice.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 334 total)
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