What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #331623

      Having answers to questions I waited my whole life for.

    • #331495

      My” best” experience (NOT) was finding an explanation for the collapse of the world around us that made absolute sense in terms of what i observe on the micro and the macro of this reality : environment , weather , war , financial systems failing , more greed that pushes these systems faster towards the edge , with people believe they will be able to buy their way out of a failing world or avoid the consequences of their actions.
      This makes absolute sense to me now….at the bottom of it all is the human Ego.

      The awful Eureka moment was an understanding of my increasing desire not to be human ( alien would be better ??? Avatar ???🙃) , to despair, loathe and condemn human behaviour as the self destructive, selfish root of all the worlds ills and misery & know I am the same and have the behaviours and selfishness that I loathe in others.

      Not best in the sense that one would think!!! But certainly world shaking .

    • #331246

      I’m loving every one of these courses.  They are amazing.  I was introduced to KabU while praying for a friend who was a part of KabU that had cancer.  He had a KabU hat on.  While praying for him, I had a vision of a tree that was sickly looking, but was absorbed into the trees around him, including me.  Then he turned into a beautiful colorful tree loaded with jewels.  I had no idea that there was  tree on this man’s KabU hat.  I didn’t see it until after I’d prayed with him and had the vision.   After he passed away, his wife gave me Dr. Laitman’s book on Beginner Kabbalah and I signed up for KabU.  I know my friend who passed is excited that his love for Kabbalah is being carried on in my life.  Another picture of that tree being absorbed into the others around him.

      • #331255


    • #331195
      Jarrett Twaddle

      I don’t know if it’s the change in weather, but, oddly enough, I’m feeling a joy I haven’t felt since childhood –  from before I started judging people harshly. I know this isn’t meant to be therapy, but being able to stay open with you all, in a scrutiny-rich environment is doing something in me. While I know the point isn’t to receive benefits for myself, I’m feeling more connected to others and it feels like I’m on a high right now – I can’t wait for the next low!

    • #330616
      Claribel Rivera

      I love learning that all that’s required is to  love thy neighbor and we make it so hard

    • #329500

      The previous courses have helped me to work on my ego-centrism, I’m now more aware of my close ones desires. Now that use “Love thy neighbor as thyself” as my motto, I feel like I’m on the right path to get closer and closer everyday to the Creator.

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