What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #289744

      It was fascinating to hear about the origins of the ten & Im looking forward to learning about how the ten work together

    • #289731
      Luc ANOUBRE

      From the previous course I’ve learned that Kabbalah ferments an attitude of care, service and spiritual love of others. We have to try to connect with others who are outside of me.

      From this course I expect more knowledge and some practice.

    • #289673
      David Edwards

      My best experience from the previous course was learning more about working in a 10 and I expect from this course to just go deeper

    • #289572

      Learning about the absolute necessity of the proper environment for correcting the ego. Which requires others who have the same desire

      To be able to learn how to work in the group and help others make their corrections.

    • #289436

      I have learned a lot from the courses I have taken so far. I feel more enlightened and connected. Thanks to all the great teachers and all the great colleagues. I expect the teachings to become more interesting and practical.


    • #288593

      I’m still in week 3 of “kabbalah in action”, but I noticed it is possible to start this course also. I just saw the movie where Rav laitman talks about the government being the puppets of the higher force, and that we can overrule them via the spiritual path. That made me smile, because although I felt that it was like that, it’s empowering to hear the exact same thing out of the mouth of the Rav.

Viewing 6 posts - 259 through 264 (of 335 total)
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