What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 376 total)
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    • #365056

      In the previous courses I received ALL the answers I was looking for since I was a child. Furthermore I found the sense of feelings I had about things, about forces working beyond our perceived reality, thoughts that arose in my mind in the last years of spiritual quest, I did not know from where (now I KNOW🌹) and why. An amazing experience that left me the feeling of a fire inside, that wants to find voice and practical application in my life. And furthermore I have the certainty to have found the Family I was destined to join, I choose to be part of from now on. So grateful to all of you🙏

    • #364938

      I gathered from the previous course and understanding of the connection of all life and how the will to bestow is the solution to finding balance. I also deepened my understanding of the paradox of free will.

    • #364808

      My Best experience from the previous course was the amount of knowledge that I got.



    • #364632
      Ronny Cervantes

      My best experience was gaining knowledge of how together and united we are regardless if we understand or not. Understanding our true purpose. I expect to learn more how to apply the Wisdom of Kabbalah more in my life to help others. Learn how to connect with others and learn the Wisdom together.

    • #364580

      The previous course pulled me intensely into a place of longing to practice the wisdom, without knowing what exactly to do yet (I took guesses, who knows if they’re even in the ballpark).   I’m really grateful and eager to have this new course so organized and available!

    • #363180

      de vorige cursussen deden mij zoeken naar meer   ik leerde dat verbinding  het belangrijkste is,  kabbalah laat me niet meer los,  ik zoek verder

Viewing 6 posts - 55 through 60 (of 376 total)
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