What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #361719
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      Shalom KabU family, the previous course was extremely impactful.  I can relate the course material to my Spiritual journey thus far.  Before KabU I walked with blind faith and trusted The Creator with every good and bad experience gaining understanding through introspection and direct enquiry from the Upper Force.  The course material helped me to realize that the path was the plan and has increased my faith and helped to decrease self-doubt.  I had accepted and resigned myself to walking alone with my Spirit guides.  I wanted very little to do with the corporeal world, living in the clouds was more enticing.  Sharing has been challenging super ceded by my obedience, except for this one time.  I didn’t post the week four poem.  The Poem was titled Divine Mother.  I internally shrunk and questioned if I was worthy to serve The Creator.  I was struck with excruciating stomach cramps the following week, moaning and crying with so much pain, posted the poem in week five, and the pain has subsided, on my way to recovery. Repented and redeemed, faithful and ready to serve.  He leads … I follow.

    • #361707

      Hi.  My name is George and I’m from Melbourne, Australia.

      The previous course taught me that everything is the will of God and all things in life have been installed by God with an altruistic intention, which makes it so much easier to accept myself and to open myself up to life by not being afraid to embrace all that I am.  I hope that my complete willingness to participate in this process of attaining spirituality through the full and complete experience of life is the way to bestow to God.  In particular, I hope this course would help me understand how to use my vessel of reception to bestow to others for the sake of peace.

    • #361618

      Learning about Kabbalah and I hope to put it in practice.

    • #361310

      The last course helped me become certain that Kabbalah and how it is taught here is the path to spirituality that I want to take and get serious with.

      What I expect from this course is just some more meat, so to say. More things that I can start working on, and of course to deepen my understanding of the method and myself.

    • #361106

      I’m David G from the greater Seattle area in the USA.

      The previous course did much to convince me that one has to work with others to make this wisdom real.

      This course was the recommended next step, so here I am.

    • #360445
      matthew shifflett

      This wisdom is the home I have been looking for. It’s all I think about. The creator has all my attention. I’m in a state of correction I can feel it. My thoughts have changed dramatically. I have ordered all the audio books and listened to most of them. I read the zohar at night. I long deeply for a group to study with. Mainly I learned that everyone should study the authentic kabbalah. I will read and study and reread and study. Thank you Michael laitman and all of KAB U

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