Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Where exactly is your free will? Can you identify where it is real and where it is an illusion?

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    • #384075

      I want to learn more about this

    • #382938

      I’ve thought that I have free will in my possibility to choose how I react to the things that happen in life, i.e. that it’s about my attitude in a way. Now I learned that it has to do with choosing the right environment, and I see the wisdom in that. I just wonder about the old saying along the lines of “the Master will come when the Student is ready”, meaning that the “environment” finds you when you want to and need to find it. Then it doesn’t seem like free will is at play, does it? I’m confused.

    • #382750

      I actually want to learn more about this topic.

    • #371076
      Nick Martinez

      This is actually a point of contention I have always had with Kabbalah since I began learning about it many years ago.

      Kabbalah asserts that our only freedom of choice lies in the environment we choose to put ourselves in. But isn’t the available choices of environment also a consequence of forces beyond our control?

      Even in the most optimal case, lets say a person is born and raised in the city of Tzfat where there is high concentration of individuals engaged in the pursuit of spirituality – is it not still up to the Creator for those people to be presented in that persons life? One hypothetically could seek the right environment for their entire life and still not find it! It seems that the right people are given to a person only by forces beyond his control, and thus the choice of environment also seems to be only another ‘false’ choice because we can only select from the options given to us from Above.

      Maybe someone can chime in and correct my understanding. Thanks

    • #366259
      Deborah Amyx

      My free will is only found in choosing an environment that will enhance what is already taking place that I have no control over.  I am guessing this can change over time.  Currently, I am separated from the city, living alone and learning much about life in my seclusion.  At some point, I will need to rejoin human society.  When it’s time.

    • #364894

      Free will as I see it, (at this point in time), is in how we choose to react to whatever is going on around us. I don’t think this is absolute, because our conditioning predisposes us to react in various ways that reflect that conditioning. Then again, can we really operate outside of our conditioning? How does all of this influence our ability to modify our intentions? I have more questions than answers….

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