Young Group with David & Igal Discussion

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  • #327612


    All assignments and homework for the Young Group with Dave and Danny

    Homework #Lesson 5:

    Each friend leaves in the forum a short message:
    What did I take from the lesson?

    Read the quote by Dr. Laitman:
    “What I do in this work is demand the Reforming Light. And when the Reforming Light comes to me it brings me closer to the friend, I begin to feel him close to me, and I begin to care for him, that I have a certain warmth to him, still far from the actual flame, but I can somehow say that I am beginning to get close to the matter of love. And then, when I feel such a sensation, this sensation makes us equal, equal by me not being able to think of myself, only of two, and first of him and then of myself. And so on, these are the degrees, but this is all from the Reforming Light. That’s it, so you have an exercise, be above, be below, and demand the Light that brings you the feeling of love, and then you are equal”.

    Discuss on the forum:
    How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

    Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

    Last but not least:
    Remind each other of the connection throughout the week without overwhelming the friends in the GE Forum. If you’re naturally active on the GE Forum, make efforts to leave room for others. If you’re naturally inactive, make efforts to inspire the friends.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 89 total)
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    • #328008
      Devorah Vidal

      Watch the Clip – Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher
      Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences, what do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”
      Watch clip about Rav from the documentary “into truth”
      Share on the dedicated Young Group Forum your impression of Rav after watching this clip

      from the first clip “Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher” my understanding is that we must annul ourselves before our teacher by eliminating our resistance to him and his teachings,  and by obediently following his directions along with our fellow students.

      From the “Into truth” clip – my impression of Rav Laitman is a favorable one.  He appears to be a no nonsense, teacher who is committed to his mission of disseminating the Wisdom of Kabbalah as taught to him from his teacher.

    • #328007
      John Allen

      The idea of a babe crying out from the cradling arms of previous Kabbalists struck me. As did the smile on his face describing that feeling. It is not hard to see the joy he has in his work. It makes it very easy to trust someone who’s goal seems to be pleasing his own past teachers. While his life is dedicated to this task, it seems less “work” and more Joy. How can one not wish to join in that Joy?

      Rav Laitman, my Rav, is both a teacher worth embracing, and a student worth emulating. I find it hard to put my feelings into words, with every attempt feeling pale and shallow.

    • #328005

      The clip about Rav was very touching. He has a deep love for his teacher and others that he shares this wisdom out of love. I hope many of us follow in his steps and be able to absorb from him as much as possible so that we too can share it just like he does one day.

    • #328004

      To “make myself a Rav” I need to take all of the information given from my teacher. The first step would be in trusting all the wisdom and knowledge that comes to me from my teacher. I need to connect with my group and implement everything I absorbed from my teacher, with full faith in that this would be able to draw me closer to the Creator.

    • #327923

      I watched both clips multiple times to absorb it and be able to write my impression … I am having hard time writing … watching the videos touched me on a level I did not expect. First it felt like I was pulsed through a blender internally,  then had to wait for the whole experience to slowly settle down and clarify itself.
      I came in touch with a very old yearning for  a true, authentic teacher, one who is rooted into the truth of  “God” so purely, that I can completely, totally, ultimately put my being in his hands, trust and know deep in every little particle of my  being that He has the map to guide us “back home”. I have the a solid reassurance I am in the right place 💖.

      While I feel lucky and honoured to be here against some bumps along the road, I am grieving the times/situations of resistance 💔. Rav Rav Michael Laitman’s presence radiates confidence and safety, that following the teachings will get me to the Creator’s revelation and final correction, he is the true embodiment of somebody who walked his talk and attained the higher reality.
      In my worst times of resistance, darkness, challenges, sadness and everything in between I go to his statement at the end of Introduction to his book The Kabbalah Experience“I am with you all the way” 💞,  and I feel being lifted, connected in a purposeful way.  If that one written sentence of His has such a powerful effect, I am completely annulled, my heart and mind is like a brand new hard drive ready to receive the command “Install OS Revelation of Creator”.
      Sorry for the longer then few sentences writing, but this is just a tini-tiny fraction of what came up in terms of relationship to one’s spiritual teacher 💗.

      • #327954
        Lora Vatalaro

        Oh my gosh, YES!!  Install OS of Creator in our brand new hard drives!!

        Eva—I LOVE this!!

        • #328013

          Lora 🥰, we might add “version 1.0” as first step, we have many more updates to come 🤓.

        • #328031
          Lora Vatalaro

          👍Yes!! ❤️

    • #327912

      The primary purpose of a Rav is to guide us towards the Creator. One becomes adept in this role by drawing inspiration from another Rav, submitting one’s ego to learn deeply, and striving to mirror the Creator’s essence (see picture below).

      Reflecting on my impression of the Rav, the video evoked in me the profound essence of what it means to have a ‘vocation’. A vocation emerges “where one’s deepest passion converges with the world’s direst need.” From the footage, the Rav exudes genuine dedication and fervor.

      The central theme of this assignment is the significance of submerging oneself to the wisdom of the Rav. Admittedly, such surrender does not come naturally to me. Grasping this teaching early on is beneficial, as it necessitates my continual dedication to remain receptive. As Danny underscored during Sunday’s class, it’s crucial to heed the inner compass of our hearts. Presently, that’s the journey I’m on. I am deeply committed to this path, led by the sincere calling of my heart, even if the destination remains undefined.


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