Young Group with David & Igal Discussion

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  • #327612


    All assignments and homework for the Young Group with Dave and Danny

    Homework #Lesson 5:

    Each friend leaves in the forum a short message:
    What did I take from the lesson?

    Read the quote by Dr. Laitman:
    “What I do in this work is demand the Reforming Light. And when the Reforming Light comes to me it brings me closer to the friend, I begin to feel him close to me, and I begin to care for him, that I have a certain warmth to him, still far from the actual flame, but I can somehow say that I am beginning to get close to the matter of love. And then, when I feel such a sensation, this sensation makes us equal, equal by me not being able to think of myself, only of two, and first of him and then of myself. And so on, these are the degrees, but this is all from the Reforming Light. That’s it, so you have an exercise, be above, be below, and demand the Light that brings you the feeling of love, and then you are equal”.

    Discuss on the forum:
    How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

    Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

    Last but not least:
    Remind each other of the connection throughout the week without overwhelming the friends in the GE Forum. If you’re naturally active on the GE Forum, make efforts to leave room for others. If you’re naturally inactive, make efforts to inspire the friends.

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    • #327655

      1.What do I have to do to make “myself a Rav”?

      I had to rephrase this into words that I could understand better to answer this question…

      What do I have to do to exclude from intellectual reasoning to make someone greater than myself?

      And my answer is: follow someone who I believe is living better than I am (in what I feel/know as the spiritual sense) someone who I want to think like/ or have the same thoughts like.

      2. My impression of the Rav after watching the clip “Into Truth”.

      With Dr. Laitman as our teacher how can we/I not feel the same obligation as he does? How can I not feel the same guidance from previous generations of Kabbahlist as he does? Especially after making the decision that there is no better teaching out there. I have to have the same commitment and know that my life does not belong to me as an individual, my life belongs to the goal. I don’t have to be perfect in my actions like I was taught growing up in other beliefs. I just have to desire it the correct way, which I will learn here. Beginning with putting myself lower than my friends.

      I am so thankful to be a part of this.

    • #327654
      Lora Vatalaro

      How would I “build myself a Rav?”

      I would decide to take completely seriously my teacher’s expertise, experience and attainment.

      I would decide to immerse myself in his teachings whether or not it was gratifying to my ego.

      I would decide to trust that he knows better than anyone else how to guide me along my spiritual goals.

      What are my impressions of Rav Laitman after watching the clip from “Into Truth?”

      I was struck by his motivation for working so hard at his teaching.  He does it, (a) because of the importance of the goal (of helping us achieve adhesion to the creator), (b) because of his commitment to his teachers.

      And, from what I saw in this video, he does it with complete annulment to the goal.  It sure looked like he’s a living example I can turn to to see what bestowal and annulment look like.  I also saw how much he was in a state of certainty about the value of Kabbalah.  I feel inspired to aspire to these qualities that I see in him.  Wow.  If I could have a drop of these qualities I see in him…  Having him show me what the qualities of the Creator look like when they are present in a human being is invaluable!!

    • #327639

      1. ”  What do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”?

      A rav’s role is to bring students to the creator. The student’s role is to nullify in order to receive the rav’s teachings with absolute trust.

      2. “Share your impression of Rav after watching this clip:

      I admire Rav Leitman’s commitment, passion, and dedication to pass on the teachings to everyone who has chosen to open their heart to learning the wisdom of Kabbalah with him.

    • #327636

      Homework lesson 3 (for August 6th):

      1) Watch the Clip – Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher. Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences: What do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”?

      To understand that the Rav is going to teach us something we know nothing about, so once we have chosen to trust in him, we need to trust in his method, in what he tells us to do; without letting our mind or ego put doubts or resistance. The Rav says: “to nullify ourselves before the message, to absorb it without resistance; to accept it with a wide open mouth, like a baby”.

      And the role a Rav has in our spiritual path is to teach us not only the theory of the path, but the practice of it, so that we can ascend the ladder by equalizing with the upper degree to the one we are in.

      2) Watch clip about Rav from the documentary “Into truth”. Share on the WhatsApp your impression of Rav after watching this clip:

      An awesome person who accepted to play the role his own Rav put on his shoulders with complete strength not to let his ego take over “the role”. His Rav knew who he was choosing as his successor, no doubt.

      Homework lesson 2 (for July 30th):

      Read the first 2 articles of “The Social Writings” and extract 3 key principles that will help us achieve our goal: for Divinity to be among us.

      1)     There is a rule: that the branches are similar to the root from which the branches were born. And since there is no reception in our root, since the Creator is in no way deficient and needs nothing to satisfy His want, man feels unpleasantness when he needs to be a receiver. This is why every person is ashamed to eat the bread of shame. To correct that, the world had to be created, that man would fear using his vessels of reception, called “self love”. One should receive pleasures that bring contentment to the Creator.

      2)     And this is why we gather here: to establish a society where each of us follows the spirit of bestowing upon the Creator. And to achieve bestowal upon the Creator, we must begin with bestowal upon man, which is called “love of others”. And love of others can only be through revoking of one’s self.

      3)     We need a society that will form a great force so we can work together on annulling the will to receive, called “evil”. This society must consist of individuals who unanimously agree that they must achieve it. To be integrated in one another, each person should annul himself before the others. This is done by each seeing the friends’ merits and not their faults.

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