Young Group with David & Igal Discussion

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  • #327612


    All assignments and homework for the Young Group with Dave and Danny

    Homework #Lesson 5:

    Each friend leaves in the forum a short message:
    What did I take from the lesson?

    Read the quote by Dr. Laitman:
    “What I do in this work is demand the Reforming Light. And when the Reforming Light comes to me it brings me closer to the friend, I begin to feel him close to me, and I begin to care for him, that I have a certain warmth to him, still far from the actual flame, but I can somehow say that I am beginning to get close to the matter of love. And then, when I feel such a sensation, this sensation makes us equal, equal by me not being able to think of myself, only of two, and first of him and then of myself. And so on, these are the degrees, but this is all from the Reforming Light. That’s it, so you have an exercise, be above, be below, and demand the Light that brings you the feeling of love, and then you are equal”.

    Discuss on the forum:
    How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

    Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

    Last but not least:
    Remind each other of the connection throughout the week without overwhelming the friends in the GE Forum. If you’re naturally active on the GE Forum, make efforts to leave room for others. If you’re naturally inactive, make efforts to inspire the friends.

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    • #328129

      Class 4 homework:

      “Faith, in Kabbalah, is a tangible, vivid, complete, unbreakable, and irrefutable perception of the Creator -of life’s rule of law. Therefore, the only way to acquire faith in the Creator is to become exactly like Him. Otherwise, how will we know beyond a shadow of a doubt exactly who He is, or that He even exists?

      … “Faith above reason” means that faith -becoming exactly like the Creator- should be above (more important than) reason -our egoism.

      Rav Michael Laitman (2007), Kabbalah Revealed, p. 153

      I chose this excerpt because I in my past I struggled with two words attached to religions: God and Faith. I confess that when I started in here, I got scared at one point when I was hearing too much of the word “Creator” as a person (the creator wants us to…). I finally desensitized myself from this word, but I still struggle with remembering what “Faith” is in here. I was very happy when I read this definition of “Faith above reason”, as I couldn’t ever feel the “Faith below reason” religions expect us to have.

      And as “Faith above reason” is vital in the work we are learning to do, I want to leave this excerpt in here as a reminder for me; trusting that if someone else from the group needs this information, his or her eyes will find it here.

      • #328188
        Lora Vatalaro

        Well, my eyes did find it here and it is having tremendous impact on me.  Faith comes from perceiving the Creator, not “believing” in the Creator. I will hold this close.

      • #328163

        So it is! This seems to be the most important thought to remember at time. Thank you.

    • #328122
      Lora Vatalaro


      Here’s the homework from today (in case you didn’t see it where I posted it in our convo.

      Each friend picks an excerpt from our sources, shares it on the Grad Environment Forum under “Young Group Discussion”,  and leaves a written explanation, or a recorded one, for why he chose it and what he felt from the text. Make sure to space out your posts throughout the week.

      • #328162

        So thank you Lora!

      • #328124

        Thank you Lora, note taken 🙏💖

    • #328104

      From: “A Speech for the Completion of The Zohar” by Baal HaSulam

      “It is known that the desired purpose from the work in Torah and Mitzvot [commandments] is to adhere to the Creator, as it is written, “and to adhere to Him.” We should understand what Dvekut [adhesion] with the Creator means, since the thought has no perception of Him whatsoever.

      Indeed, our sages have discussed this question before me, asking about the verse, “and to adhere to Him”: “How can one adhere to Him? After all, He is a consuming fire.” And they replied, “Adhere unto His qualities: As He is merciful, so you are merciful; as he is compassionate, so you are compassionate.

      ( … )

      I will explain the matters through an allegory. The body with its organs are one. The whole of the body exchanges thoughts and sensations with each of its organs. For example, if the whole body thinks that a certain organ should serve it and please it, this organ immediately knows that thought and provides the contemplated pleasure. Also, if an organ thinks and feels that the place it is in is narrow, the rest of the body immediately knows that thought and sensation and moves it to a comfortable place.

      However, should an organ be cut off from the body, they become two separate entities; the rest of the body no longer knows the needs of the separated organ, and the organ no longer knows the thoughts of the body, to serve it and to benefit it. But if a physician came and reconnected the organ to the body as before, the organ would once again know the thoughts and needs of the rest of the body, and the rest of the body would once again know the needs of the organ.“


      I chose this text because it gives me an idea of a first step in the direction of Dvekut (adhesion) and what it might feel like.

      • #328186
        Lora Vatalaro

        The concept “adhere to his qualities,” from this article was so helpful. It makes the process feel much less vague and unattainable.

    • #328047

      Watch the Clip – Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher
      Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences, what do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”

      I need to trust the words and guidance of Rav on each of these steps in new territory for me because my current perception of reality and life could easily lead me astray.

      Watch clip about Rav from the documentary “into truth”
      Share on the dedicated Young Group Forum your impression of Rav after watching this clip

      My thought throughout the clip was “I love and appreciate this guy so much” and I could feel the genuine intention behind all he said. I also feel that I can trust him with guiding my soul on this journey.

    • #328036
      Julius Lindeberg

      Watching the two clips made me feel a bit, how shall I put it, sad, and maybe a sense of hopelessness. Why is that so? First of all I think that the demand for subjugating to the teachings of the Rav, to the message is profoundly troublesome for me. As a person who values my freedom, freedom of thoughts, expressions, metaphysics, this is a calling form me to examine those sides and maybe ask myself the question; Am I running from something or searching for something? Also, I have to ask myself, what does i actually mean to subjugate to the teachings of the Rav?

      When watching the Rav I find myself thinking that he doesn’t seem to have the slightest doubts about his role and his mission. As a person used to question all sort of things I the have to ask me; What is the role of doubt in my life?

    • #328008
      Devorah Vidal

      Watch the Clip – Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher
      Think about the role the teacher has in our spiritual path, and write in a few sentences, what do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”
      Watch clip about Rav from the documentary “into truth”
      Share on the dedicated Young Group Forum your impression of Rav after watching this clip

      from the first clip “Relationship to one’s spiritual teacher” my understanding is that we must annul ourselves before our teacher by eliminating our resistance to him and his teachings,  and by obediently following his directions along with our fellow students.

      From the “Into truth” clip – my impression of Rav Laitman is a favorable one.  He appears to be a no nonsense, teacher who is committed to his mission of disseminating the Wisdom of Kabbalah as taught to him from his teacher.

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