Young Group with David & Igal Discussion

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  • #327612


    All assignments and homework for the Young Group with Dave and Danny

    Homework #Lesson 5:

    Each friend leaves in the forum a short message:
    What did I take from the lesson?

    Read the quote by Dr. Laitman:
    “What I do in this work is demand the Reforming Light. And when the Reforming Light comes to me it brings me closer to the friend, I begin to feel him close to me, and I begin to care for him, that I have a certain warmth to him, still far from the actual flame, but I can somehow say that I am beginning to get close to the matter of love. And then, when I feel such a sensation, this sensation makes us equal, equal by me not being able to think of myself, only of two, and first of him and then of myself. And so on, these are the degrees, but this is all from the Reforming Light. That’s it, so you have an exercise, be above, be below, and demand the Light that brings you the feeling of love, and then you are equal”.

    Discuss on the forum:
    How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

    Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

    Last but not least:
    Remind each other of the connection throughout the week without overwhelming the friends in the GE Forum. If you’re naturally active on the GE Forum, make efforts to leave room for others. If you’re naturally inactive, make efforts to inspire the friends.

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    • #327887

      My impression of Rav Michael Laitman is that he is a man who has a deep respect, care, and sense of responsibility to his own teacher, Rabash.

      Rav Laitman also seems to be a walking library of Kabbalah. I imagine this man could talk about the deepest levels of the Zohar, Tree of Life and probably any other Kabbalistic writing with ease.

      His dedication cannot go unmentioned. He has written hundreds and hundreds of books and articles and on top of that, continues to teach every single day.

      In summary, I find Rav Laitman to be a man who found himself in a very unique position that few people will ever find themselves in, and is proving himself to be exactly the person for the role.

      Rav Michael Laitman lives and breathes Kabbalah, and dedicates his life fully to sharing it with us.

    • #327830


      To make myself a Rav, I must open my mouth like a baby. I must receive what I’m being taught with an open heart and open arms. Questioning the Rav and his teachings will only move me away from my goal of drawing closer to the Creator.

      Watching the Rav in the clip “My Life Is Not My Own” makes it clear how he has submitted to the Creator. He is driven by the importance of the goal. He has a sense of obligation driven by gratitude. It’s like his love of the Creator of the path of Kabbalah has swept him up. The Rav has annulled before the Creator and even his students so that he can submit to the Creator’s role for him.

    • #327709
      Tatjana Ristanić

      For me, Rav Laitman is smart and wise man, and what I hear Rav says I take as highest truth, although I don’t understand it always, and I am ready to follow his message. I simply respect this man like no other.

    • #327696

      In order to make myself a Rav I have to aim nothing of this world but to be a channel, a tool, a servant of the Creator. I have to annull myself before my friends, before the Creator, absorbing and accepting His message without any resistance in order to bestow it onto the humanity.

      My impresions about Rav: I love his “being normal” and down-to-earth way. I felt his humbleness, his commitment, his true freedom not being for himself here, but being servant for the Creator and humanity. In that moment I saw his freedom and redemption, in that moment he touched my heart as a model and reference for me.

      • #327812

        Dear friends, above is my homework but on Sunday I’ll be in the Q&A with Tony, see you there or next time. I hope someone will write here the next homework coming on the 6th august? Why don’t we have a telegram or even WhatsApp group?

        And one thought of my day was ‘there are realms where is no shattering, and there are realms where it is. At which point appears the truth? In the middle.’

        In this world dancing with the devil means to learn to discern what is true and what is not.

        Thoughts of the day?

        See you.

        • #327845
          Lora Vatalaro

          Dear Clara, If the homework isn’t emailed out to us, I’ll be sure to post it here for you.  It’s hard to know that I’ll be missing Tony on Sunday!

          Thought of the day…The longing for the Creator is the best gift the Creator can give me.

        • #327885

          Lora! 🤗 Thank you!

        • #328103
          Lora Vatalaro

          Here is this week’s assignment, Clara:

          Weekly Assignment: Each friend picks an (any one of their choosing) excerpt from our sources, shares it on the Grad Environment Forum, under “Young Group Discussion”,  and leaves a written explanation, or a recorded one, for why he chose it and what he felt from the text. Make sure to space out your posts throughout the week.

          I hope your time with Tony was great!


    • #327692

      What do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav”

      Completely surrender to the Rav and accept whatever he wants to give without any resistance, to achieve Dvekut with the Creator.

      Rav Laitman is a gentle teacher that gives us only as much as we can take; it pains him that we can receive so little, but he is dedicated and hopeful. We should all respect that and try more, invest ourselves more…

      Homework 2: Read the first 2 articles of “The Social Writings” and extract 3 key principles that will help us achieve our goal: for Divinity to be among us.

      1. Establish a society to develop an additional sense for bestowal, thus achieving similarity in form with the Creator which must begin with bestowal upon man, called “love of others”.

      2. Annul self-love

      3. Fear God and receive only pleasures that bring contentment to the Creator

      • #327811

        Sorry, I’ve slipped!

    • #327659

      What do I have to do in order to “make myself a Rav” – nullify myself, accept the message

      Rav impression from video – the dedication and humble bearing was very clear.  The goal to aim at the creator only, not corporeal things, is how he lives his life.

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