Young Group with David & Igal Discussion

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  • #327612


    All assignments and homework for the Young Group with Dave and Danny

    Homework #Lesson 5:

    Each friend leaves in the forum a short message:
    What did I take from the lesson?

    Read the quote by Dr. Laitman:
    “What I do in this work is demand the Reforming Light. And when the Reforming Light comes to me it brings me closer to the friend, I begin to feel him close to me, and I begin to care for him, that I have a certain warmth to him, still far from the actual flame, but I can somehow say that I am beginning to get close to the matter of love. And then, when I feel such a sensation, this sensation makes us equal, equal by me not being able to think of myself, only of two, and first of him and then of myself. And so on, these are the degrees, but this is all from the Reforming Light. That’s it, so you have an exercise, be above, be below, and demand the Light that brings you the feeling of love, and then you are equal”.

    Discuss on the forum:
    How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

    Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

    Last but not least:
    Remind each other of the connection throughout the week without overwhelming the friends in the GE Forum. If you’re naturally active on the GE Forum, make efforts to leave room for others. If you’re naturally inactive, make efforts to inspire the friends.

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    • #328918

      I took from the lesson the idea that i need to work on focus more.  My spiritual focus is broken by corporeal thoughts and I can remember that this is the work is to bring my focus to spiritual matters when i notice my mind wondering.


      I feel Danny’s enthusiasm for kabbalah and it gives me motivation for the work.

    • #328915
      Lora Vatalaro

      1) What did I take from the lesson?

      My take-away is understanding how much I have to learn about developing the kind of connection that we’re aiming for!!

      2) How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

      By remembering and acknowledging that every action we take is an opportunity to make a conscious connection to the Creator’s will.

      3) Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

      It is our egos that convince us that we’re looking at “separate people.” We can ask the Creator to help us reject this perception and demand to see the truth–that we are one.

    • #328895

      We draw the reforming light by asking for it when we need a boost from the creator, which is most of the time.

    • #328891

      Lesson #5

      1. In the last lesson I experienced how often I am not aware.
      2. By annuling the ego and considering the friend first, by being aware of the connection between us we draw reforming light. 
      3. Forgiving the own wrong perception of separation remembers the oneness

    • #328832

      1) What did I take from the lesson?

      It is wonderful to feel nourished and cared for by the environment. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome if we surrender to the environment! We should never trust any of our emotions and states, rather, we should always keep our focus on the goal

      2) How do we make sure that we draw the reforming light with every action of ours?

      I yearn for us to be connected. We need to give importance that this is the only thing we have to engage in.

      3) Leave in the forum a message that will help build between us a demand so that none of us will be able to differentiate themselves from the others, and we will feel as one.

      We must be dedicated to work only for our friends to achieve their goal.

    • #328798

      Homework Lesson 5

      Video Response:

      Hopefully the link works.  Otherwise, here is the quoted text in the video.  I really enjoy the visual metaphor of the sparks and the flame:

      In a realm beyond the confines of time, an individual flame flickered with curiosity. It was a fragment, a spark of a magnificent Single Flame. This spark, like many others, had been separated, each carrying a unique essence but sharing a collective memory of the One Flame’s warmth and brilliance.

      The spark often pondered its existence and purpose. Reflecting upon the nature of connection, it thought: “A friend means that both parties are in the same state… they have the same views and thus decide to bond. Then, both of them act towards the goal that they both wish to achieve.”

      Driven by this insight, the spark sought unity with its kin. As they connected, they realized that while each spark was unique, they all yearned to reunite. They began to form clusters, each representing a bond of shared experiences and mutual respect. The principle of equality resonated among them: “This means that precisely when one sees one’s friend as being at an equal degree to one’s own, one can accept the other as a friend and bond with him.”

      One fateful moment, their collective glow intensified, creating a void pulsating with energy. The Reforming Light was drawn to this unity, known as a Kli. As it enveloped them, the sparks felt an overwhelming sense of belonging. The One Flame was reborn, its light more radiant than ever, illuminating the universe with the testament of unity and the magic of the Reforming Light.

      • #328913
        Lora Vatalaro

        Of course, it’s so impressive that no one else will dare do a video! 😂

      • #328830

        It worked on my phone. Thanks David. It’s great!

        • #328842

          Thank you Eberhard! And thank you for all your activity in this forum, I can see we are very similar in liking homework 🙂

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