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  • Boke

    I find it difficult to understand this question properly.


    This makes things I intuatively always have known, more clear to me in logical and structural way. I see more and more the connection between our mutual internal conflicts and the conficts at large scale in he world around us. I also see more he role of the Jewish people in this bigger picture. As a raised christian, the Jewish histrory has come to me in the stories written in the bible and explained to me through the people in my environment. So it has become part of my system, knowingly and unknowingly. I am very hungry to learn more about his and bring light upon the unconsious (unkown) part in me.


    Hello everybody,

    I am Boke form The Netherlands.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #367100

    To make myself a rav…

    I have to study a lot of Kabbalah. Be active in the young group, be there for my friends and use that to observe and correct my internal procesess. And let myself be guided by the teacher. Find my purpose in life and use that as content for my potential role as a rav.

    Watching the clip….

    I see a man with very great dedication to put his life in service of dissiminating the word and wisdom of Kabbalah. It is clear that  it brings him satifaction and by that joy and fullfillment.


    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #365425

    Key principles from article 1:

    1. The whole world was created for the fear of God

    2. The reason for creation was to benefit His creations

    3. The reason for us not receiving delight and pleasure is the disparity of form between the Creator and his creatures

    Key principles from article 2:

    1. Without annulling self-love, it is impossible to achieve Dvekut (adhesion)

    2. We need a society that will create a great force, so we can work on annulling self-love

    3. Each person should annul himself before the others.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #364951

    Purpose of society

    The article writes about the purpose of establishing a society. The purpose is to create a way or method to climb the degrees of man. To become man and not remain beasts. The article refers to a verse of our sages which states “to fear God and keep his commandments”. In fact the whole world was creared for the fear of God. Yet the reason of creation is to benefit His creations and for us to be delighted and happy in this world. However the reason why we not are reciving delight is the disparity of form between the Creator and us. To correct this, the world was created for fear. It is actually the fear of man to receive only for one self and own benefit, this would prevent us from cleaving to the Creator. When we perform mitzvot we purify our intentions towards bestowing upon the Creator. We must do this by first bestowing upon man. We do this in our society by loving others (as our self). We should sherish and appreciate to be given  this chance to be in such a society.

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