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  • Dr. Gerry

    I want to study and learn to the point that I enjoy Kabbal well enough to talk about it with others. I want to be able to share with love and a blessing with anyone who seeks a relationship with our Creator. In the process it would be nice to grow and become a better person

    Dr. Gerry

    Hello from Florida USA.  My name is Dr. Gerry.  I want to tell you I can not count the number of times I have been confused by my Spiritual Journey.  I was raised as a Fundamentalist Protestant and deeply seeped in that teaching.  Then in my old age about four (4) years ago, I started attending a Catholic Church and converted to Catholicism.  During the Pandemic I moved from Michigan to Florida.  I had lots of time and started reading a book every day and ran into messianic Judaism.  In the process, I learned several things about the Catholic Church that were of questionable ethics and scholarly integrity.  Woops that was not what I intended.  All of this information I share with you because I understand the approach-avoidance of integrating new information about personal living and worshipping.  This “fear, apprehension, and lack of understanding will pass.  However, you and your desire must stand fast.  Did in your heels.  Throw up your hands and pray that G-d will give you the patience to acquire what you need to know in order to become what you would like to become.  I personally want to be more loving towards all in the universe.  Just trust that you are in the right place at the right time of your life.  Stay with the course.  Ask G-d to give you faith if you don’t have.  Trust in “all your ways, acknowledge HIM and He shall direct your path.”  Blessing in your pursuit.  Dr. Gerry

    Dr. Gerry

    To be honest, I do not know what I expect in terms of the content. However, I am anticipating finding a “gift” from the creator. Which means I will be grateful with whatever G-d wants to give me. I read that the Creator is generous and wants to give to us. I am ready to receive it with gratitude and thanksgiving.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #327439
    Dr. Gerry

    Greetings from the United States (Florida),  My name is Geraldine Waite and most people call me Dr. Gerry.  I am 82 years old (or young).  I am happy to still be on this planet.  I am a retired teacher/psychologist.  I have had an overwhelming desire to know G-d, for most of my life.  I have become “hooked” on Kabbalah and live to study and share with others.  I have been reading and now I am signed up for this course.  I look forward to meeting others who share my enthusiasm.  Everything I have read so far, confirms what I have known, and adds new insight.  I can hardly wait to know more.

    I know we will be blessed by this class with the outcome of a deeper appreciation of our Creator.  I look forward to a great union.

    May G-d bless you with an overflowing of blessings and love.

    Dr. Gerry

    Dr. Gerry

    Hello:  About Egoism.  This is certainly contrary to Jesus’ statement:  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Religious leaders have frequently misinterpreted Scripture to mean either (1) Deny yourself; or (2) obtain a “false” humility in relationship.  To me, I think the question is one of boundaries?  Love is on a continuum (in my way of thinking).  False love (from appreciation, envy, to domination) knows NO boundaries and demands that others convert to their way of thinking.  Shall we Call it Toxic love?  Toxic love dominates.  Would you say that True Love is only manifested in the Messiah?  I think I tend to believe that.  My belief is based on the sacrifices and plan of salvation found in the stories in the Torah. Sincerely, Dr. Gerry

    Dr. Gerry

    Hello fellow students.  I am 82 years old and very happy to be in this study.  I am so glad and grateful to have found this site at the wonderful age of 82.  I still have a thirst for a deeper Spirituality and more Knowledge.  Thank you (In advance) for sharing.  May we all be a blessing to each other.  DR. Gerry

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