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  • Gail Lee

    I seek for my perception of reality to look beyond my five senses to become echad with others and our creator.

    Gail Lee

    I would like to gain new insight and knowledge to understand Kabbalah to learn more about myself and my identity in Hashem.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #293238
    Gail Lee

    Shalom! My name is Gail. Years ago I prayed for God to help me see people and world through His eyes which led me to surrender my life and my will over to His will. I said, Hineni, Here I am Abba send me. Since then I see God in everything and each day He has guided me along this journey in life moment by moment to get rid of everything that is not of Him while helping others to do the same. He has been so patient with me. It is a joy and truly a blessing to give than receive. I enjoy seeing God working behind the scenes orchestrating everything out for His Glory in our lives including placing people in our path to help us along on our journey if we allow. Just like in the book of Esther. And even the painful and difficult times in my life, self inflected or done by others, has all helped me to gain a better understanding to have more compassion to help others as well as myself grow closer to God. God is love. Pure love. I have learned it is through looking at life through His lens of love that changes our hearts He then can help us help others with words of encouragement pointing people to return to God and seek to know (yada) God with our whole heart. I have learned it is through acts of love that will help change us and help change the world moment by moment walking with God by our side trusting in Him. I believe through prayer and our willingness to help others by talking to others about God (prayer) we bring Heaven to earth. His timing is perfect and cyclical. Sometimes I have to take another lap around the desert until I have learned the lesson but He never gives up on me. He never said it would be easy but He did promise to be with us. Hineni, Here I am Abba send me. Enjoy the journey!

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