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  • Geneva Fillips

    1. Page 32 of “Attaining the Worlds Beyond” states that our souls descend into the world and that the Creator places the soul into the body. Why then do some of the preparatory material hold that we do not have souls “except we develop one?” What powers the human body? If the body is the hardware, then what is the software called?

    2. It has been mentioned that reincarnations are evolutionary processes that the desire (to receive) goes through. and that it has nothing to do with the material world. How does this explain the claim that Abraham is the reincarnated soul of Adam and Moses is a reincarnation of Abraham and so on, down to the 20th century Kabbalists? How do you explain past life regressions that some people have experienced?

    3. It has also been said in some of the preparatory material that nothing happens when we die. How do you explain near death experiences?

    4. Is it just the first five books of the Bible that are Kabbalistic texts? How about the rest of the Old Testament? The book of Kings, Chronicles, The prophets, the Psalms etc.?

    Geneva Fillips

    I am like the worm in the radish (from the quote of the week). The world and the entire experience of life is just that for me: bitter and very dark. I really want to disconnect from life (haven’t left my apartment in weeks) because I don’t see any meaning to all the rushing around.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #297762
    Geneva Fillips

    Hello, my name is Obianuju. I live in Nigeria and I signed up because I am seeking answers to certain existential questions that have really bothered me over the course of my life, to the point of depression.

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