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  • Gillian

    Hi Seth, the police wouldn’t be interested, he is a psychic telepath and was actually the reason I became interested in Kabbalah in the first place. He was my “teacher”.  Strangely, I have already done what you requested a week or so ago and yes my life will change going forwards. I was completely work driven, I have now planned to ease off and enjoy my life more and do more research on spirituality including Kabbalah in my increased spare time. Yes, as I am now winning the battle between myself and this person I can see that I have undergone a massive growth spurt spiritually from it. I have also found some wonderful people who have helped keep me strong and given me advice on how to survive it but have also learnt to be more wary of others too. Thus I have learnt a lot about myself in this process. My question was though, if there is no free will and everything is from the Creator, who made the decision to do this to me? I also ask why me?  I am confused about free will. Do we have it or not? Is a rapist or murderer simply doing as ordered by the Creator but with the veneer of free will? I recall in early lessons we were taught that that the law of equivalence states we must be like the benevolent Creator to become close to them.  These latest lessons show a different picture, particularly the ones in the following videos after this page, show  a Creator who doesn’t mind causing fear, hurt, illness or death to us.   This makes me uncomfortable when compared with the God who has helped me through my ordeal and still is as I move out of it. You mention muddy vessels, is that where there is free will? Sorry I am confused now as you can see. I am also still traumatised by it, particularly as he is still connected to me telepathically at the moment.


    I am going through a very difficult time at the moment. A human is deliberately trying to destroy me, for fun. Why would the Creator do this to me or is it simply the free will of this individual? I have never felt so dark and alone, bereft of my Creator and despairing if life was worth living, as I did a few weeks ago.  Since this darkest time, though I know for sure now that the Creator is helping me get through this frightening time, as I am also trying to help myself. People have turned away from me, experts who I thought could help me, others though have come to my cries for help. I am now learning the hard way,  that not every one can be trusted to do good, or even to care about others, even if they proclaim it daily.


    It gives me great comfort to know there is a loving force working for good, helping me and everyone who will listen, to achieve their best for themselves as well as the rest of the occupants this world. I already know the Creator is working to help achieve my goals.  I have been going through a very difficult time and am now heading out of it. My faith in the Creator and of course their faith in me is critical to this process. Thankfully both are very strong.


    If we all work together we can make this corporial world a better place for every inhabitant including humans. Activating the will to receive in millions of us could change the world.


    My best experiences, sorry they are plural. Are a) to finally understand what Kabbalah is, I was given false information elsewhere. b) that is is far more than I hoped for.

    My hope is to continue on my learning journey and achieve the best that I am able to, hopefully total success. This,  so as to help the world and all its occupants, both human and otherwise, become as God wishes it and I do too.  I also hope that the other students achieve this too. Together we can make a difference.


    By firstly having a true intention to receive from our hearts.

    Also learning and attaining all the levels required by the roots and branches teaching within Kabbalah.

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