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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #332239

    Shalom Shalom to everyone. My name is Rafi and I live in Germany. I am very much looking forward to this course and learning more about Kabbalah, and you all as well as we progress on this journey.


    Hello everyone, my name is Rafi and I live in Germany. I am of Sephardic origin and have been an avid Kabbalah student most all of my adult life. Although I have studied for many years I still consider myself a neophyte. My goal is to continue my journey while learning from you all and deepening my understanding. In this way I hope to bring light to my life, to my family and Mu community. Thank you.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1 #285531
    1. Hello everyone, my name is Rafi and I currently live in Germany. I have studied the Kabbalah for most of my adult life but still consider myself a neophyte along the journey. I hope to learn from you all as well dwell into these rich teachings.
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