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  • Jeff

    Are the 125 steps linear and need to be taken in a specific order or do we have moments that we may find ourselves at one point on a “higher” step and another day on a “lower.”


    A better sense of my place in the world

    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #128531

    The topic of prayer was kind of new to me. I agree and I have learned that your intentions is more important then the words themselves. But I also learned in the past that the prayers themselves, or more specific the words and combinations, created by Rabbis who were kabbalists, have power as well.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #128516

    My name is Jeff. I live in the Palm Springs area of California. have moved along various spectrums of Jewish observant my whole life.  I have been interested in Kabbalah since my first trip to Tzfat in 1985 when I was only 21 years old. I remember being told I couldn’t study this till I was at least 40 and had a deeper knowledge of the Torah. Though I always questioned that since most synagogues’ Friday night services would start with prayers written by Kabbalist. I studied years ago with another organization but was greatly turned off on the marketing of the organization as well as the selling of items like water and red strings, that to me seemed to take away from the text itself. During COVID I got involved in a Daf Yomi group and really enjoy learning the Talmud, but that stimulates my mind and logic and it does miss the spirituality part for me. This year I built my own sukkah for the first time where I spent a lot of time mediating and really felt a deeper connection to my roots. Late at night during one of my YouTube “rabbit holes” I came across some of your videos and liked the way you presented things that I may already have learned, in a clear and concise format. I know I learn better in a group, like the structure of being part of the Daf Yomi every day keeps me focused and from my research so far, I think I will enjoy and benefit from the structure of your teaching.  Looking forward to this.

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