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  • in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #184892

    Hi, I’m Jeremy. I was born and raised in Mississippi. At 44yrs of age my 2 kids have graduated highschool and are starting their adulthood and left me feeling a loss of purpose. My job that I’ve been with since I was 19yrs old delivering mail has become stale and causing me to dread going to work. I’ve lost joy in what I do there. I’m also a novice woodworker and have lost creativity and joy in that as well. I feel like I had a midlife crisis about 6mo ago and needed some answers desperately. I grew up in the Catholic church. Started going on my own to Methodist and Baptist churches from junior to senior highschool. Since then I’ve gone from going to nearly every service day available, volunteering, been a deacon, mission retreats etc. To not going at all. I haven’t lost any belief in a creator, but I have lost my concrete feeling of security in my “religion or faith”. Even as a teenager I never understood why Jesus was the only 1 true way. Why would a creator create so many varieties of humans that have their own individual belief of salvation from their Creator, only to find out it was all wrong when we die? So I guess while I was searching for answers I triggered your algorithm which caused me to click and watch some of your YouTube videos. I’m hoping to discover some new information that will help me to continue on this path for spiritual knowledge that has all of a sudden been burning inside me to the point I feel guilty if I do anything else in my free time learn about it. I look forward to learning what I can. I’m not the smartest person in the room, so I’m sure this will be challenging for me especially after trying to follow along in a few videos. But the passion I have to learn more about my purpose (or not) in this universe will hopefully help me get through it. Thank you.

    in reply to: Get your questions answered by a KabU instructor. #184780

    What is the end result we are looking for. Or should I say, the creator. If I die not understanding, where do I go and will I stay there for eternity? Will I have another chance in another lifetime? If I figure it out in this lifetime, what happens? And if I do figure it out, how come I can’t share the information with my family and friends? Will I still continue into another lifetime? How many chances do I get?


    Hi, I just turned 44 and I guess I’m having my midlife crisis. I’ve been to a few different churches and served in them as well for years. I’ve had a few spiritual revelations, but always felt like there was more.

    I’ve been out of church for awhile now tho. I’ve been feeling this burning inside to know whatever truth is really out there. I’ve been watching the Gaia app alot on anything to do with ancient history, civilizations, kabbalah, or anything spiritual. I’ve signed up with Sadhguru and completed the inner engineering class as well. And signed up for this as well a couple months ago to try and get some answers. I guess my struggle is not knowing who or what to believe anymore. Ive felt like the sheep being fed only the information my herder wanted me to eat, Roam only the territory I’m allowed to graze from and experience only the same as my fellow sheep surrounding me. I’ve broken out of the pen a few times to experience freedom, only to be put back in my pen and mocked by my fellow sheep. I’ve cut ties and deleted Facebook to try and take on a new persona. Lost weight and trying to take better care of this vessel for the next half of my life. I’m hoping to rediscover my purpose, because after taking care of 2 kids mostly on my own for 20yrs, I feel like I’ve lost the majority of it. Thank you for your time if you read this far. I look forward to the lessons.

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