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  • Oh, thanks so much for this caterpillar/butterfly analogy, it really moves me to consider myself like that of an imaginary cell, thanks for giving words to better refer and frame this process I’m (and we’re all) being guided through, Hashem keeps showing his good intentions to me/us, even when the fear coming from the illusion of separation may seem insurmountable, Hashem reminds that everything has been considered, that my function is one of great purpose, and that it emanates from me as I allow and actively engage in the process of Christ consciousness being formed in me deeper and deeper; I have reliable proof in my life that when you allow it and direct yourself in function to what’s best with a comprehensive view, life unfolds itself in a “magical” way. Interconnectedness becomes daily reality, let us keep ourselves in the path of Torah, with no disregard for any of the aspects of our existence, but considering and recognizing every-thing and every-one as our own experience of being in goodness and godliness.

    Intentional, directed balance and interaction between different expressions of life in the universal knowing that we’re fundamentally all one, proper distribution of resources and work, proper initiation of every new human, early instruction for awareness of oneness; balanced use of technology, loving and balanced relationship with every aspect of nature, Creative revolution, the application of all the areas of knowledge collectively aimed towards the greater good of humanity.

    Hey, my name is Luis Enrique Palma, I’m 22 yo, I’m from Colombia, raised protestant Christian, I’ve been going through a radical and intensive transformative process, through my relationships, my business endeavors, I feel grateful that I’ve been put in the situation I’m in, I hope to go along deeper in this journey connecting in a meaninful and intimate way with all other beings that life puts in front of me to reflect me, I take seriously my purpose of looking for what’s best in the other, filtering out what it’s inferior and directing myself towards what’s the best use of my energy.

    This is enlightening, gets me to desire more, to go deeper.

    in reply to: What are you feeling after this lesson? #382289

    Re-cognizing who we are. It’s the greater challenge, we’ve been prepared to assume it, every-thing, every-one, every-interaction has led us here, to assume this perspective where true freedom it’s found.

    in reply to: What are you feeling after this lesson? #382288

    Understanding the initial template and purpose behind all that we’ve been experiencing it’s a relief; the fact that we agreed to forget, in order to become and transcend. There’s still nuance to understand and integrate but this, unlike any other previous belief, resonates fundamentally True to me, even with some doubts and fears in the middle, it feels like an ever evolving truth that considers and convinces every possible objection.

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