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    “It is forbidden to teach a gentile Torah, as was said, ‘He did not do so for any nation’” (Hagigah 13a).

    According to what Baal HaSulam interprets concerning prohibitions, wherever it is written “forbidden,” it means impossible. It follows that the prohibition to teach a gentile Torah, even if he has been circumcised but does not observe the commandments of the Torah, is that he cannot learn Torah.

    How are we supposed to understand these laws which appear to be laws from Judaism ? I discovered this on and I’m really struggling with all the covenant laws, the seperation of Jews and gentiles and who better than who ? So as a “Gentile” myself how am I to continue studying kabbalah as it requires a lot of laws and covenants in order to be fully corrected. But on the surface I’m told it’s for “everyone”. But it seems non Jews won’t go far with it but a Jewish person will. It’s very hard and stressful to understand all this.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #378835

    Rav laitman gave a lecture on Brit milah and how it correlates to Malchut. this topic however never seems to be given a clear cut answer as to whether a man should actually undergo the Brit milah particularly when that person isn’t Jewish and does not desire to be Jewish. In order to actually have the Bris with all the accompanying tradition’s an individual would ideally need a jewish mohel and a jewish mohel in my country won’t do this for a non Jew. so, my question is, is there another way to do this correction ?. Would focusing on the “Circumcision of the heart” not be an alternate option ? as it seems like an even greater correction than a random religious action to fulfil a covenant (with all my respects to the Jewish people whom i love).   Looking at humanity i see so much hatred wars etc and it breaks my heart and for me i think my biggest correction and the worlds biggest correction is to cut the evil desires from within ourselves (harbouring hatred in the heart). Please tell me though if this not sufficient. I want to experience the Kabbalah in its entirety and i need this to be clarified please.


    The definition of Jewish came up. I can’t get a clear cut answer regarding the Brit milah (circumcision) physical circumcision is mentioned everywhere in videos, in the Zohar and Torah. I understand the whole deeper meaning of it as a symbol but there seems a hesitation to say that in order to begin correction you need to perform a physical Brit milah. There is heaps of content that hints you should. For me this is a really religious thing and I struggle with this because I just don’t believe in it. But I respect Jewish people’s decision to perform it.


    I was just wanting to know more about the idea of corporal circumcision which is mentioned in the Torah and the Zohar. As the Zohar speaks about spiritual matters, is the corporal circumcision as Jewish people and other religions perform necessary?


    To achieve a better understanding of myself and the world around me

    in reply to: Ask Anything #377685

    Still here studying through and reading the Zohar online just wanted to know if the zohar in english is available in a hardcopy?

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