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  • Mareme Charles

    What I have realised is that people tend to believe that life is all about everything that happens in front of their naked eyes and yet forget to use spiritual observation which scientists/physicist refer to it as “DARK FORCE” that contribute to the amount of 73% of the world we live in as said by one of the most famous physicist called Michio Kaku.


    For example: in order for an apple tree to produce a healthy fruits, it has to be watered on a regular basis with strict measures based on the environment, temperature, type of the soil, kind of manure required which may differ with the one that a mango tree will require despite being at the same environment…… In short what I mean is that there’s a dual life within our existence namely :spiritual and physical life

    Our physicality is a true reflection of who we are in spiritual life/world.


    We still have a lot of people across the world who think they are not prospering in life mainly because of politics in their countries which I beg to differ in so many ways because firstly in my analysis, I have come into a conclusion that there’s no such as politics as an entity within itself, so my definition of politics is the combination of ALL field of studies brought together in order to create a new world within the existing one, and the only reason for that new world is to control/gorven the existing one. So every one is more that welcome in the new world as long as he/she understands the dynamics as to what to say/do in public  but mostly how to look and which places to go.

    But to my surprise, there are so many graduates across the world who still use the old system of seeking for employment whereas there’s 4IR/advanced technology(social media platforms) that can be used as an alternative to seek for employment just by reflecting the amount of wisdom/understanding you possess and through engagement on critical issues/current affairs that affects the world.

    Personally I have learnt a lot about politics ever since the beginning of Covid19 and I’m happy because all the experiments that I was looking for, came up exactly as expected (but this I guess I a topic for another day).


    Bill Gates thank you once more.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #43073
    Mareme Charles

    Hi everyone I’m Charles from South Africa and I just heard of kabbalah few day ago through one of the social media platform (Facebook) then it dragged my attention hence I subscribed from the word go, I don’t know much about life as yet but the least I’m sure about is that despite our forever changing world we live in, there are some universal/natural laws that govern the world and everything that which is on it (our lives included) and those laws will remain constant and unchanged until the end of time… And therefore my conclusion is that there’s Natural power structure that governs the whole world, and there are power dynamics that draws some guidelines as to how to live a meaningful life through good ethical codes without being obstructed by the complexity of the world…. And lastly there’s Snake and ladder which was mainly made for only two reasons, namely 1. Snake to symbolise a failure and 2. Ladder to symbolise success.


    And the fairness of nature gave everyone an equal opportunity(regardless of our race, gender, nationality, age, academic background, political affiliation, sexuality) to throw a dice based on his/her ability and credibility not once, not twice but as many as they want/can (it’s just a matter of keeping consistency and determination) and little bit of rules and applications that they told us at school.

    Winston Churchill once said “Success consists of moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm” meaning it’s OK to fail/make mistakes hence no one is perfect but entirely wrong to quit just because you failed once or twice… Keep on trying with different methods.


    Oh and what I really want to know about kabbalah is how does it differ with theosophy

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