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  • in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #370449
    maria santos

    What did I take from the lesson?

    How things are changing, even though we are opposites in many ways we are still have one common purpose and we need each other just like the body needs all its different parts and together they form a body. That although I was hesitant at first and really kind of dreaded the first class, I look forward now to class and coming to together with the friends, and even though I did not think I would feel a connection I do, and it gets stronger each time.

    The reforming light is something I must truly want and demand, like a child asking a parent.  If I truly want it, and ask with the right intention, not just for myself but for all, the Creator will bestow it on upon me. Slowly I will start to feel the connection, a true connection, where I think about the friends throughout the week and genuinely care about how they are doing. I can see this happening already and it gives such joy and encouragement to continue with this and to know that there are others who understand and are there to help me, and I am there to help them on the journey. The friends are wonderful and special people and I look forward to connecting more and more.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #368912
    maria santos

    Everything in reality, good or bad, and even the most harmful in the world, has a right to exist and must not be destroyed and eradicated from the world. We must only mend and reform it because any observation of the work of creation is enough to teach us about the greatness and perfection of its Operator and Creator. Therefore, we must understand and be very careful when casting a flaw on any item of creation, saying it is redundant and superfluous, as that would be slander about its Operator.

    This excerpt and the article “Peace in the World” gave me the “ah ha” moment many moons ago. It answered the age-old question how can the Creator create bad if he is good. There is no bad, but the time has not yet come for the fruit to acquire its ripeness, so for now it is bitter. It was so profound yet so simple in how it explained why there is suffering. There is suffering because we do not “hasten” time, and so we experience suffering “in its time”.  It showed me that in the end, things will be as the Creator intended them to be, I can go kicking or of my own free will, of my own free will being the best way.

    It help me to understand Kabbalah, the goal, internality/externality and everything just clicked inside of me.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #366430
    maria santos

    To make myself a Rav, I first must be certain that the path that I have chosen is correct for me; the teacher, the environment, the teachings. Then once I have chosen I must nullify myself to the message and the Rav, and by connecting and accepting and internalizing the teachings without resistance I can adhere to the Rav and he can take me to higher levels.

    After watching the video, “Into Truth”, it is plain to see that the Rav has subjugated himself completely to his teacher and the teachings. As he says, “My life doesn’t belong to me” what a great act of bestowal, it’s not about him, it’s about spreading Kabbalah to the masses so we as one can avoid the path of suffering. You can see that he is one with the past, present and future and that the work is all that matters, adhering to the Creator.

    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #365755
    maria santos

    3 key principles that will help us achieve our goal

    Article 1

    Follow the path and method of Baal HaSulam
    Fear of the Creator (using our vessels of reception for ourselves which remove us from the Creator)
    Revoking of one’s self, so as to reach the collective one goal

    Article 2

    Annul himself above others
    Remain serious, do not lose intention
    Equality among friends


    in reply to: Young Group with Anne Pier & Juan discussion forum #364394
    maria santos

    Fear of God is the inability to draw close to him, to live in darkness unable to find the light, however, in order to draw the light, we need to know the difference between light and dark, so we must experience darkness first. Otherwise, how can fear what we do not know? Hence the world was created so we could know the darkness and aspire to the light, this is disparity of form.

    Disparity of form, or the realization that we are separated from the Creator brings fear, like a child who suddenly realizes it has been separated from their mother and now is lost and nothing brings them pleasure. They panic and then try to re-trace their steps back to their mother. When that fails, they cry out in desperation (prayer). Suddenly, others come to their aid in finding the mother. The only thought is to find the child’s mother, a selfless act with no thought of self-gratification. Once the mother is found everyone rejoices, the child, mother and those that helped in the act of reunification.

    The group in Kabbalah works together for the others, with no expectation of self-reward. The goal is to bring the group closer to the Creator. This bestowal to others brings pleasure to the Creator, the group and to oneself (reception in order to bestow). As the article states “we must begin with bestowal upon man.” By doing this we bring Shechina, the revelation of the Creator, to the group.

    in reply to: Ask Anything #363355
    maria santos

    Thank you.

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