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  • Michael

    What is the relationship between Olam Ain soph and Olam Assiah? Why did the creature finally submits to the will of the Creator after going through these stages of restraint?


    Does Kabbalah has its foots from Hebrew? If Yes, then What is the relationship between Hebrew and Kabbalah?


    1. What inspired me in this course is the enlightenment I’ve received about my egotistical self who is always selfish at receiving without the knowledge of the bestowal. I have finally come to the knowledge and understanding that except I act intelligently in comprehension of the Creator’s will, then I can begin to evolve from suffering to equanimity.

    2. I learned that I don’t exist as a single entity. I am a part of something greater and all I need to know is not myself but the creator. Hence knowledge of the creator is knowledge of the self.

    3. For my fellow students, I wish them more light and comprehension of the Creators mind and will. I believe most things are learnt by experience and most experiences are never to our convenience. However, for a perfect learning we need experiences from life. I wish us all greater experiences to facilitate our spiritual development and advancement. Amen


    Acting intelligence. Comprehending the purpose and will of the bestowing force to have that form of equivalence. Understanding that what the Creator has is beyond what I can imagine. Like the story of a hungry man who visits a friend and has no idea the purpose why his favorite meal was prepared. Although it’s my favorite meal, I need to know that my friend has put in a lot of effort to prepare it not for his pleasure but for my enjoyment. Hence, I won’t eat because I am hungry but I will eat because I want him to feel happy. Thus satisfying the both of us.


    I believe that action is stirred up by understanding and comprehension. When I know why I must get in touch, I’ll do whatever it takes to connect. Getting in touch with the upper force is submission to ITS will, commands and know that all IT desires for me is Good. This understanding I believe creates a mutual action. That is, I act not because of selfishness but instead because whatever I do, I do for my own benefit. Just like a seed trusting the farmer that it’s going to bear fruits even though its being buried in the ground. So, Trust, Patience and Understanding is all that’s needed. The final product will be love because having known that all the upper force want is for my greater good, I’ll have no choice but to love all that comes from IT.


    I am nothing but an intellectual animal who is indebted to God and God expects so much from me. I feel sad because I feel that I’m not doing my best enough and it’s really demoralizing. I realized how minute I am in this whole cosmos. Just like a specter of sand in a heap of sand. Just like a thread in a woven sweater. I feel insignificant but my hope is that I am part of something bigger and God needs me to comprehend that fact and adjust myself to receive 100% so as to give. I’m blest.

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