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  • Olga

    I heard in a few videos that studying in a group is preferable and I also heard that there is a local group that meets in San Francisco. Is it possible to get connected with the local group?


    Is my understanding correct that according to Kaballah, the creator created the humans to be selfish and driven by ego but also gave us free will and choice to go against that nature to bestow the goodness and love on to others? And as long as we are not following this formula we suffer and feel empty in our lives?

    What does Kaballah say about our souls when we are back in between lives? Do souls experience the need to fill themselves or the vessel with fulfilled desires or the only desire it has is to be more like the creator?



    I would like to understand if Kaballah can lead me to fulfillment and purpose.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #334089


    My name is Olga. I was born in Ukraine, lived in Israel for 10 years and have been in US for many years now. I’ve been an agnostic and an atheist most of my life, but had a significant spiritual awakening experience this year. I’ve been delving into spirituality and trying to make sense of the world beyond the material and what our purpose here is supposed to be. Recently Kaballah came onto my radar and seems to promise to deliver some of the answers. I am looking forward to delve into it.

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