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  • R-zahn

    The perception of what is before me and how it intermixes with those that come within my field. The perception and acceptance that I am extension of the program and so, I can create within the program itself.  rzahn


    Awesome as always

    Will give me a week of inspiration to see how I am going through life


    To perceive reality with eyes wide open and being alive on the plane that I am present in.  When we hear the great wisdom and the multiple waves of perception that lies layered beyond what we perceive, I ask myself, is that really what I want at this stage? I love the wonder of being alive. I love to feel, hear, smell and touch.  I am an artist and I love the colors and compositions the Creation has created.  I go out of my daily way to be amongst people and spread compassion to the pain that life is asked to bare. So, yes, I can handle more.  I can see, feel, taste, smell and experience more.  I spent years healing with my hands, feeling with the level of perception that I developed, creating works of art channeling what came to me. I am progressing up the path yet I still have work to do before I fade away.  I create everyday.


    I expect that KabU has It’s goal and direction of presenting material to the mind in a way that They have developed to help the student in understanding the vast Ain Sof within the Kabbalah. What I desire is to follow the path that is presented, feeding my soul/self as it navigates through the feast being laid out before me. I desire a nourishment that comes from a Teacher.


    Randall from Boulder Colorado

    I am an artist in many mediums and in most ways.

    The Zohar came easy to me after 1st spending years introducing my self to the Qabalah in the 90’s.  My work as an artist has always dealt with the conscious / unconscious aspect of being human. Yes the Zohar is challenging, yet those are not the first words I would use in describing it.  It is Splendor.  It is rich in wonder and the lost oral behind written scripture revealing that even mankind was not created perfect and the first versions were disgrace.  After completing 2 readings of the 5 volumes, it still brings inspiration on opening to random pages and finding something that blows my mind. It has It’s place on my reading table.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #339166


    Qabalah has been apart of my beliefs for 30 years or so.  In and out, yet always there.  Like the root that grows in any space that does not resist, never going away. The Mandel Braut Set set free in ones imagination, for that is what is needed to nourish the seed of Qabalah.  What feeds the seed and what it is fed determines the rate and quality of growth.  I am ready for fresh nutrients.

    Randall Zahn

    Boulder, Co

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