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  • Rita

    Well I am absolutely open to learn from the beginning as if I never heard anything before. Clean slate. Because I didn’t actually make the connection anyway. I was told that the Tarot was some kind of template to explain the Kabbalah but I never got that. I ‘ve also listened to other speakers on the subject. I just want to come open and fresh to receive what I’m supposed to receive right now.

    I did pause and do have some hesitation right now regarding the part where we are all a part of some guy named Adam HaRishon. I looked it up and the definition makes me feel better to continue.

    in reply to: Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students #63002

    My Name is Rita. I knew when I arrived on this planet that I had been here many times before. I am now 58 my life has been more than interesting. I have spent years in several practices beginning my childhood in the black church in constant opposition with the reverend because I spoke to spirits that he couldn’t see. LOL. I read Tarot cards when I was 9 until I no longer needed them and a gentleman showed me a drawing of the tree of life and said to me that this was what I really wanted to understand. Over the years I skimmed a few books about Kabbalah but never dived in completely. Now I am ready.

    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #63001

    What I am learning here so far about Kabbalah  feels very comfortable in that I am a religious scientist.

    Religious Science says: There is only one life and that life is God, all that God is, I am.

    Ok so you say its not required in Kabbalah to believe in God, but I’ll wait to understand what it is you put as a name to the Creator, Universe, Source, etc. I see it as the same.

    in reply to: What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you? #63000

    Well I am absolutely open to learn from the beginning as if I never heard anything before. Clean slate. Because I didn’t actually make the connection anyway. I was told that the Tarot was some kind of template to explain the Kabbalah but I never got that. I ‘ve also listened to other speakers on the subject. I just want to come open and fresh to receive what I’m supposed to receive right now.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2 #62979

    My Name is Rita. I knew when I arrived on this planet that I had been here many times before. I am now 58 my life has been more than interesting. I have spent years in several practices beginning my childhood in the black church in constant opposition with the reverend because I spoke to spirits that he couldn’t see. LOL. I read Tarot cards when I was 9 until I no longer needed them and a gentleman showed me a drawing of the tree of life and said to me that this was what I really wanted to understand. Over the years I skimmed a few books about Kabbalah but never dived in completely. Now I am ready.

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