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  • in reply to: Ask Anything #312417

    “But you donneed to scrutinize the new state with your mind.”

    You are saying that you do need to scrutinize with your mind or you don’t need to?  Thanks



    in reply to: Ask Anything #312415

    Thanks for answering,

    “The Baal Shem Tov said that he who says that there is another force in the world, namely Klipot [shells], that person is in a state of “serving other gods.””

    What does this quote mean in general?  What are Klipot(shells) in particular?

    in reply to: Ask Anything #312412

    Hello again,


    Would you say that Kabbalah is anti fragile?  In the sense that a thing that gets stronger by more stress acting on it is anti fragile.  Is Kabbalah anti fragile in a macro cosmic sense and a microcosmic sense.  In the macro cosmic sense is it true that the more bad things happen the more people will be inclined to come to kabbalah?  In the microcosmic sense is it true that the more bad things that happen to a Kabbalist the more power or inclination he has to do the work and to build his desire to pass the barrier?  How does passing the barrier work?  Has anyone passed the barrier into spirituality yet or are we working on one big collective passing of the barrier that will happen for everyone at once?  Did the common western astrology come from kabbalah?

    in reply to: Ask Anything #312411


    Was king Solomon a Kabbalist?   Is there any importance in Kabbalah to the lesser and greater keys of Solomon the King?  Do you have to tithe once you get a group, meaning do you have to give ten percent of your income and to who?  If you start studying Kabbalah and then have to stop for some reason will the creator be angry with you or will you mess up the system the spiritual system that is, or any system for that matter?  Why are Kabu students invited to the retreat now, were they not before and why?  Do you think it would be overwhelming and difficult to deal with for a person brand new to go to the retreat especially if they are not a “people person”?




    So we relate to other humans because they have more desire than the animate, vegetative, and inanimate together in one person.  So there is more of the creator in humans than anywhere else?


    I wish for everyone the courage to engage in the process

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