What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #431147

      That there may be purpose in life. Look forward to learning more about this.

    • #430949
      Rex Jebamoney

      Kabbalah relates to my thinking process

    • #430287

      A deeper understanding of the purpose of life.

    • #429791
      Mathieu DANHO

      When we started the last course I discovered many concepts like the entire reality, the source of life, the law of equivalence of form.

      I started wondering about those principles and raised my spirit unto the creator and ask to let me know the meaning of these concepts as He himself led me to learn Kabbalah.

      Firstly, I had been caught up into vision and saw written:


      I lifted up my inner voice throught my spirit and said : O Lord, show me the source of creation and life. I don’t know the meaning of what I saw, but I have been lifted up into vision and saw a large thing like a black hole having three ways like a triangle roundabout. In the center was as many triangles.

      Several overlapping triangles were visible above the endless hole. I was suspended above it, watching. The three ways that circled the triangles were like the exits and the entries  of a roundabout. There were black than coal. The triangle above the hole was as transparent. The hole form was like a triangle.

      I saw others visions…..


    • #429557
      Esther Miriam

      It has opened my mind more than I thought it could be.

    • #429142

      It was a great help to have instructors guide me through the understanding of Kabbalah. They explained concepts which I thought I understood but I was completely wrong.  I look forward to going deeper into the subject and how to apply it to my life.

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