What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 619 total)
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    • #422712

      I began to go deeper inside to see myself. I feel more in touch with myself now and lots of changes going on in my life. I felt very rocky before however, I’m having more calm time…I hope to continue to share the abundant of gifts Hashem has bestowed on me. To connect with others and experience more love. I hope that for all in our family. Thank you for your service

    • #422710

      I wasn’t aware that receiving with the intent to bestow and the concept of equivalence form are what bring us closer to the Creator, which is what I now understand.

    • #422708
      Vincent Leduc

      I really enjoyed the live workshop

    • #422560

      How quickly I went from severe depression and hopelessness to feeling like Im living in a whole new world! Practicing and embodying the Attributes of the Creator gets you closer to the Light where synchronicities and awe abound! Im looking forward to learning more about Kabbalah and refining my spiritual awareness.

    • #422549

      My best experience of the previous course was in getting in touch with the spiritual world by conmnecting in a mutual way and understanding of the meaning. To go deeper into the understanding of the Kabbalah.

    • #422506

      I wish I could attract more light in my life.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 619 total)
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