Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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  • #41575

    Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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    • #392240
      Deborah Joplin

      I have to look up Dr. Laitman’s explanation of Galgata ve’ Eynaim vs AHOP for further clarification. I fascinated by the idea that our sense of ‘self’, our internal world,  is GE. And what we perceive as external, or others — because it reaches back to us– is a reflection of our AHP. It is “above reason” to understand that “others” are also self — because we are one soul. Dr. Laitman explains that AHP is a receiving vessel that cannot receive Light unless the GE vessel directs Light to it. The GE draws the light and must deliver it to the AHoP–so it can rise. The Creator is the Glue between us in the Kabbalistic Group. I am excited and intrigued — Thank you for the Light that revives my Point in the Heart when it struggles with the Corporeal World that I perceive as reality.

    • #392094
      Renata Klem

      I am happy to know that the group is such an important tool for spiritual growth and that we will be able to evolve through this connection and reach the Creator using the teachings acquired from the books and the teacher.

    • #391081

      I feel I am starting to get an idea what faith above reason means. It’s beautiful, but also challenging… I am wondering about how simultaneously working in a spiritual society on the one handside and then also in daily life on the other will work out. I can sense it’s going to be intense and so many disrepancies to either overcome or integrate… I am getting the middle path is pretty much of an effort.

      And I am wondering how that spiritual connectivity versus the egoistic separation will increase that sense of loneliness in being just a human individual … because in daily life the lab is limited, as in our human perception we are still limited so much …

    • #390445

      I was blown away by Julian saying that our sense of ‘me’, our internal world…that is GE. And what we perceive as external, as having its own volition, others…that is simply our AHP. And our efforts should be directed at bringing the desires of the AHP ever closer, so that we feel them as within us. Then we can ascend to the next GE.

    • #382501

      The importance of the group…it’s like an exercise machine kind of? Allows you to grow your desire? And the desire is the vessel?

    • #382315

      Something softened in me towards love, happiness and humour instead of being in fear, anxiety or hatred.

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