Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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  • #41575

    Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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    • #382315

      Something softened in me towards love, happiness and humour instead of being in fear, anxiety or hatred.

    • #382083

      I think this lesson was great. There are many new things revealed that I did not get to experience yet or heard about but never experienced and was guided properly.


    • #360008

      I loved it when Julian said that we may forget the lesson. I feel less bad. .After the suggested reading and the extra videos I almost forget what the lesson was about. I am trying not to let that stress me out. With any luck something is sticking!

    • #356851

      The light that Reforms us. Important topic and how we are part of one soul and we think everyone is different and separate from our own.
      Thank you

    • #338108

      I love all of Julian’s videos, mentally I can understand it. Now for the group work!

    • #337419

      If you really concentrate on those beautiful moving starling formations in the video in the ‘Related’ section, you kind of get the feel for the idea of connected consciousness. I loved that clip. Thank you for showing it. It really does portray the concept of connection, at least metaphorically on an animal level.

      The other concept in this lesson that I was comforted to grasp was that conflict in the kabalist group is the means by which they all grow. The experience of ‘no conflict’ can actually mean that the group is not growing. This is totally different from different groups I’ve experienced in my past.

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