Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

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  • #41575

    Reflect: Reflect: Share an epiphany from the session that broadened your understanding or shifted your perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 33 total)
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    • #330743
      Jarrett Twaddle

      This might be just me rehashing a realization I had earlier, but it’s coming across more clearer now – the work.
      It initially comes across as bizarre that we talk about concepts as soon as they become real… here we are talking about being turned off of the work and how we might feel about the friends, and here I am… thinking all these things and pushing myself to come to class.

      • #330839
        Jarrett Twaddle

        I just want to add – again, something that’s coming up over and over again – that we’re meant to consistently nullify to the Kabbalistic society and not necessarily other people in the world or in our lives. As was mentioned in one of the related videos, to nullify the ego to the world would mean that we would surely be taken advantage of; but towards the group where everyone has the same point in the heart and we’re all looking out for another’s interests, this is not the same scenario at all – although the ego is sure to resist it, all the same.

    • #328263

      A brief reflection on my life, my studies and where I’m at.

      I’m working towards a large goal. I know this isn’t possible without the creators help, yet I’m cognisant that this goal wouldn’t be visible w/out the creator (for which I’m in deep gratitude).

      Sometime I’d spend days working and not getting anywhere. Or at least that’s how it seems to those outside looking in. My studies outside of Kabu include Biblical Hebrew. Along my journey I’ve stumbled across a very special Kabbalist prayer (Ana-Bekoach) which brings us closer to the light.

      Each line of this prayer distills profound wisdom. I mind mapped this prayer (for my own interests), which parallels a lot of what we’ve learnt is this session.

    • #322277

      What was new, that I could let my ego grow and I don’t need to suppress it, on the contrary I would rather use it to correct myself.

    • #321414

      This week the great challenge was to stop aspiring realizing in some points ‘I arrived. There is nothing to run to or away from’. And recognizing the gifts I’ve already gotten. Is like I am to small to contain them, I must make space for it. And I discovered that I don’t need to grow the soul, it is big enough, but to grow a healthy ego too. And so many other things. And that there is no good and evil, but there is true and false, as long as we experience ourselves in bodies having perception.

    • #314071

      I feel like everything Julian was talking about on the call last Saturday has clicked into place regarding groups with the follow-up of the videos in this lesson, and especially with the reading in The Kabbalah Experience.

    • #312878

      I loved the fact that Kabbalists work as links of a chain needing both, the higher and the lower links to evolve. 🙂

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