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    • #191101
      Ty Palodichuk

      Does the splitting of the Red Sea represent the drawing of the line out of the circle?

      • #219124

        Hey Ty,

        Mmmm….not exactly sure what you mean here. As a rule, it’s best not to try and not use your brain to grasp spiritual concepts. We understand this is completely normal for beginners as it’s kind of the only way to feel like you’re advancing since that’s what we’re used to in our world when we think of stuffing more knowledge into our brain and if I can rationalize it and make it fit into the “big picture” it feels like I know more and understand more.

        However, this isn’t how it works in spirituality, which I’m sure you’ve heard multiple times. As I’m typing this I think maybe you have the right direction as far as translating one language into another, but making this connection doesn’t help you a bit. If you really want to use the story of the exodus, then try and locate these things within you emotionally instead of in your brain. Find where you have a desire to receive for yourself while also having the sensation of wanting to escape it since you are beginning to become aware of how this is actually harming you. Where do you go? How do you navigate? Towards what? Etc.

        Good luck!


    • #191099
      humehr garivani


      If to someone who does not know me and does not know where the energy comes from

      Will I receive anything? Will it come back to me?

      • #219125
        Ty Palodichuk

        You’re right! Thanks for bringing this to my awareness. Faith above Reason.

      • #219122

        Hi Humehr,

        I think you’re getting “energy” and “intention” confused.

        If you want to talk about your daily life, how you interact with human society, I suppose you could categorize this interaction based on how you distribute your “energy” meaning, the allotted calories – mental and physical – in engaging with what you choose and don’t necessarily choose to encounter with each day. If you pay money to receive food, then that energy is coming back to you in the form of food, and that energy is then again being used as ATP for you cells etc. etc..

        If you want to talk about what you’re doing for others, you can only refer to the extent you were able to rise above yourself and ask for the quality of bestowal for others. If you’re asking for others and not yourself, then you have no calculation about what’s coming back to you since bestowal in spirituality means you’ve risen above that calculation completely.



      • #191100
        humehr garivani

        edit: If i bestow energy to someone ….

    • #191090
      Ty Palodichuk

      Hello Teacher, My question is regarding a passage in the article Peace In The World. “If we take for example the attribute of Mercy in it’s abstract form, we find that its government contradicts all other attributes, meaning that by the laws of the rule of Mercy, there is no place for the appearance of other attributes in the world.” Question: What does by the laws of the attribute of Mercy mean? What are laws of attributes? Thank you for your time and support.

      • #219121

        Hi Ty,

        I believe here Baal HaSulam is referring to how each attribute needs to coexist with other attributes, that there needs to be a contradiction and “mixing” of them and the “laws” of these attributes allow for this.



    • #190999

      I know that we shouldn’t interpret Kabbalistic terms literally. It always points to an inner reality. At the same time, however, there is the rule that what is true for the particular is true for the general and vice versa. At the same time, the reality we see is always an expression of inner states.

      So would it be accurate to say that the whole thing of having a person like Jeff Bezos that exploits the efforts of millions of people in his warehouses, factories etc. is the external expression of the internal state of “slavery beneath the Pharaoh”?

      I think Pharaoh means “the epitome of egoism”, does it?

      • #219123
        Ty Palodichuk

        Makes total sense! Thank you Chris I appreciate you!

      • #219120

        Hi Niklas,

        Pharaoh is an inner force, not an external one. Even if you wanted to relate it to one particular individual as a certain “force”, Kabbalah will only refer to it as the inner force within a person that the Creator uses to exhaust those who want to reach bestowal. It’s the force that ultimately shows a person that they only want for themselves and they will never be able to leave (exit) Egypt, the land (desire) that serves only the ego.



        • #219155

          Hah! I mean that’s what you are trying to tell me in so many replies anyway.

          Thanks 🙂

    • #190687

      This is the second question of a pair of questions. I will not read the answers to the first question, but it is a prerequisite for this question. Here is the link to the first question:

      My second question is as follows:

      By posting a question like the first question and deciding not to read the answers because my desire should be fulfilled inside the others and not inside of me, am I on the right track? Am I helping people or am I hurting them? Am I confused already or am I starting to correct my desires (as much as I can at this moment in time)?

      Also, should I refrain from any more such posts because it is „too much to handle for somebody just starting out on this path“? I seem to have no idea how to conduct myself properly so I will help the people around them instead of hurting them.

      • #191087

        Hey Niklas,

        You’re going through many of the normal “barrage” of thoughts and desires many of us go through when we first find the path. You are focused on too many details, though. Our egoistic brain cannot grasp what spirituality is, it’s so completely opposite that we can go into these loops and opposite of opposite and backwards of backwards and become very confused. That’s why it’s extremely important to stay focused on the materials on the course, stay with them and just let them work on you, and let the environment work on you. You really don’t need to do anything else. It’s not the brain or the mind that will lead you to spirituality. You’re wanting your heart to change. This is what you should expect and this is what you should want. You’ll be shown where your ego is, how it behaves and how it engulfes your entire existence – especially in all the places you thought it wasn’t. All of your thoughts about spirituality are still within the ego and you won’t be able to escape it no matter how hard you try. The faster you come to this realization, the faster you’ll be able to settle into wanting your heart to change and with that change in heart, your mind will begin to serve those new desires of wanting to be like the Creator.

        Go to your job, do normal things, eat whatever you want – it doesn’t matter. The light will work on you as long as you want it to. It doesn’t discriminate on any lifestyle choices or any character attributes or personalities. All it can do is work to bring a person closer to the Creator and this is done only by being in an environment that washes you and changes you from the inside if you want it to.

        We don’t correct ourselves from 0 to 125 in one go. The process in a process, and it’s drawn out so you can consciously feel what’s happening to you and choose to go through it of your accord. The Creator, no doubt, is doing all of this to you, including you sending these questions and it’s also Him responding to you here. What happened – happened, but it’s on you to make the next step. You’ll feel like it’s you doing it, that’s what you’re supposed to feel – but the change is when you want to be more included in the environment that will ultimately lift you out of your ego.

        Stay on the path, get through all the courses, continue to the grad environment and you’ll already have a much different perspective than you do now.

        Best of luck,


        • #219098

          Thank you very much for this answer.

          While waiting for the course “Kabbalah in Action” to start, I read a bit in “Shamati (I Heard)”. It was very uncomfortable because it almost feels like the book attacks me personally. At one point I despaired because everything felt hopeless (especially trying to outsmart my ego somehow).

          I often had the thought that I want to just stop trying to transcend my ego because it is impossible anyhow. However, I thought that this is what my ego wants to convince me of.

          It is a great relief for me to know that for now, I simply have to expose myself to the KabU environment regularly. I will do that to the best of my ability because all my “instruments of navigation” that I have built throughout the past two years consistently lead me back to KabU anyway.

          It makes sense to me that my heart changes through the resonance with this environment and because of those changes my mind will change. At least after the live events I am usually pleasently calm (and sometimes dead-tired). Something I don’t experience too often.

    • #190686

      I have a question regarding „breaking through to the spiritual world“.

      First, I want to set my intentions straight. Since I am not yet in the Graduate Environment, I can only try to piece together what I have learned so far. My egoistic desire is „desiring to know whether a certain experience would be considered ‘breaking through to the spiritual world’ by Kabbalists“. Now, if I try to invert that desire into its altruistic form, I will post my question, so that others can know the answers to it. Additionally, I will not read the answers because I want to give my fellow students the opportunity to know whether my experience was indeed ‘breaking through to the spiritual world’ and if it was, then to give them the joy of knowing that it only seems scary from the egoistic perspective, but that it is actually really beautiful.

      The Experience:

      I had quit my job and did not know how to pay my bills, what job the Creator wants me to be in etc. I was really scared about becoming homeless, but I figured that if the Creator wants me to become homeless, then He has a good reason for it. Also, I figured, if He wants me to become homeless, then it can’t hurt to enjoy at least a last good meal in a restaurant.

      So, I went to a nearby restaurant, purchased a good meal and sat down to enjoy it in the garden outside of the restaurant.

      On the opposite side of the street, I saw a beautiful girl in front of a church door. She seemed homeless and she seemed to be immersed in an intense prayer. It felt like she prayed to Mother Mary or some comparable female saint.

      I could see that she had created a strong energy field around her because all the people that were passing were suddenly thrown out of their monotony, looked at her irritated and then crossed to the other side of the street.

      From experience I knew that such a strong energy field can only be created, if the person has been praying without ceasing and with utmost intensity from the bottom of their heart for quite a while.

      Suddenly I felt that the energy of her prayers shifted towards me. Suddenly her prayers seemed to pull me. I then thought that I cannot ignore even a single person that prays so intensely and truly from the bottom of their heart.

      I looked in my wallet and found 10 Euros. „At least I can give her the 10 Euros“, I thought.

      I then grew restless and worried that she would „give up at this crucial moment“. So, I aborted my meal, paid in a hurry and went straight to her.

      On the way to her I grew incredibly scared. „It’s just a human connection“, I thought to myself, „no need to protect myself from human connections. After all, haven’t I been praying for this all the time?“

      When I approached her, I did not know what to say, so I just stood a meter in front of her until she noticed my presence and opened her eyes. In this moment the sun came out and shone onto my back and onto her face.

      I handed her the 10 Euros, her eyes grew wide and she stumbled with a foreign accent: „Thank you“.

      In this moment I saw God. Later I became convinced that I saw God through her that day and that she must have also seen God through me that day.

      I recoiled in horror and basically ran away. Then I prayed in my thoughts: „I had to give the 10 Euros to her. How could I not, if you have given me so much in my life?“ and I started crying.

      I reflected on this experience for a couple of days. Why did I suddenly see God? What happened?

      Eventually, I came to the conclusion that the act of giving my 10 Euros to her came from a pure giving intention. Yes, I contemplated whether I would go up to her because I was so scared, but the intention behind the act itself was still pure.

      Then, I felt that it is impossible to arrive at that state again by my own efforts. After all, I would just be doing it, so that I can experience this beautiful thing again. How could I not want that?

      Anyway, if this experience was indeed pure and considered „breaking through to the spiritual world“ (even if just for a few seconds) by Kabbalists, please tell my fellow students, so they can get a clearer picture of what it means to „feel yourself outside yourself“.

      For me at least, posting this question feels like I can finally leave this „petty little contracted thing called ego“ inside of me behind. I do not have to worry about it so much anymore. Much less do I have to worry about trying to somehow satisfy or fill it. It is a pointless task. Let’s just leave it behind (said the ego.)

      However, I do need to know whether I am on the right path here and doing something good for my fellow students or whether I am trying to „feed steak to a baby because I like steak so much“ and therefore actually hurting them. Therefore, I will post a second question asking whether I should continue like this or whether I am already getting confused and straying from the path. Reading the answers to that second question will be feeding my ego, but I still have to do it. God forbid that I hurt other people by trying to help them.

      • #191086

        Hi Niklas,

        There’s a lot to try and respond to here, but first of all it’s important to have a job and sustain the needs of your body and take role in society where you are part of the system of give and take. You need to be able to have your necessities that the animal body requires – food/shelter etc. Without the necessities a person can’t engage in spiritual work as the body will demand attention for that instead of being able to adjust your attention towards what’s outside of your body – others.

        You mention you were giving money and helping others. This is great if this is your nature and you have this inclination, but in no way is this something spiritual. Spritiuality is above matter, it’s in the realm of intentions. What we do with our arms and legs in this world has no effect in spirituality. What we do in this physical world will certainly bring us different discernments about what spirituality is, which is helpful for people who haven’t yet discovered the wisdom of Kabbalah, but if you have found the path (meaning if the Creator brought you here) it’s a sign you can already begin engaging in the truth of the matter. You mature in the right environment of like-minded individuals who also want to attain the goal of becoming like the Creator and rising above the ego where there’s no need to continue experiments about where spirituality might be in other places.

        It’s a difficult thing to remember and hard for many to agree to. The ego enjoys giving to others because it gets something out of it in return. If the pleasure is felt in the ego, it’s the opposite of spirituality. Hurting others or causing others harm is really just harming ourselves in return, we just don’t see it immediately (otherwise no one would do it). If you want to go a step further, you can say that we’re all harming each other by staying in our ego since ultimately even if I’m not doing anything wrong directly to others, I’m still existing in manner that takes from them without giving. This is in relation to the system of nature as a whole. That’s why the next step in human evolution is for all of humanity to take this direction of working for the sake of the whole since this is how all of nature exists besides this most developed and egoistic component called modern humanity.

        Be well,


        • #219094

          Thank you very much for your answer 🙂 (I read the answer to this post nonetheless because probably it is a bit premature to try applying the wisdom of Kabbalah practically. Feedback is very important to me because I have the tendency to fall into “faith below reason” instead of “faith above reason”. Let’s avoid that.)

          I realise now how entangled corporeal actions and intentions are in my story. Back then, it was only half-clear to me that it is only about the intention and never about the physical action. However, in this particular instance, something truly extraordinary happened. My physical action happened with a pure intention of giving without calculation for self-benefit. At the very least, for about two seconds.

          You are right, however, that it is not so important to analyze this experience anymore because I am with you guys now and I will find out, if Kabbalah delivers on its promises.

          As for the “physical necessity” part. I do have shelter and enough money for normal life right now. The Creator kept me above water back then by giving me an unexpected large sum of money through the stock market. I tried joining monasteries etc. but my heart simply wouldn’t let me. Now I realise that it was all to prepare me for Kabbalah. Since I can be quite passionate I needed to run full-force into various different directions, think about life myself and try out my various theories. When I found Kabbalah, I was very relieved to find out that none of this fasting, homelessness etc. is necessary.

          Now, I am in the process of rebuilding my life step-by-step. Yesterday, in “Kabbalah Explained Simply”, Lio gave me the advice to establish a bit structure and routine in my life again. So this is where I will begin.

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