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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #52307
      Permal Orly


      Here are my questions :

      First I would like to know if you will complete the series “Bible Secrets Explained by Kabbalah” on You tube.

      I saw that there was Genesis Episode 1-3 only and then it skip to Noah Episode 1 and so on.. it will help me to understand better with these videos.

      Second could you explain to me what is Light? Not just its definition as per Kabbalah but its intrinsic meaning, its purpose and how are we related to it?

      Third I learn from  the Torah as well as your videos that Adam was the first man, it is literal when you say he was the first Kabbalist as well as human on earth? Was there other human being apart him at that time? If so, how was the earth populated? And if not, why was he the only one to be mentionned?

      You see, some scientists are still skeptical about the fact that he was the first man on earth. So I wanted to know what Kabbalah say on this matter.

      Thank you in advance for your time and answers.

      Have a good day 😉

      • #53164


        About the Bible Secrets Youtube series, the plan is to release one video a week.


      • #52450

        Hi Permal,

        1) I do not know the answer to that question, but I will try and find out for you.

        2) Light is the sensation of the existence of the Creator. It is the connection between the Creator and the created beings. We do not perceive the essence of the upper force but only attain it’s influence upon us. Kabbalists refer to this influence as light. Attainment of this light is the purpose of creation, and the inner need to reveal this is what brings a person to the wisdom of Kabbalah.

        3) Adam is referred to as the first spiritual man, meaning he was the first person to attain the upper force—to attain the light. Although there were others who lived prior to him, it was only from Adam that the counting of time began since those before him were still in the preparation phase for attaining the upper force.


    • #52160
      Alex Golbert

      Good day,

      I wonder, we claim that all that we observe may not really exist outside of one’s mind per his/her inner perception, how is that a number of people could see/observe that same object or agree on some common standards that we sense with our senses -> those are the normative accepted by society?  we all agree that hot is hot, while it is realities but hot is hot and cold is cold, where sour is sour- no one would say its sweet…

      So when people agree on something that means its not just ones perception -> it likely means it is in fact exist outsides of ones mind.  looking forward to hear your thoughts.




      • #52240

        Hi Alex,

        Yes, this is what the Kabbalist explain to us. The fact that we have similar perceptions is because we all function according to the same inner program—the will to receive. This desire determines how we perceive the world and in this we are all similar.

        Thus, we take reality and we divide it into thousands of categories according to the expression of our will to receive. But these impressions we receive from our surrounding world, although similar, are actually the opposite form from what truly exists because the Kabbalists tell us that outside of us is only the quality of bestowal.

        The fact that we may buy into the same dream, so to speak, doesn’t make it any more real. It’s real for us right now on our current degree of development, but when we rise to a higher level of perception, we understand how real it actually is compared to the reality we will discover—that of bestowal.


        • #52243
          Alex Golbert

          Thank you very much Joseph, happy you understood my question as it may appear simple but confusing-> your answer is on target. Despite, the answer being on target- It is challenging for me at this point to fully comprehend this. I am working on it 🙂 Thank you!

    • #51868
      Danielle Vergonet

      Dear people,

      When it took us thousends of years to come to this state are now. The separation of us with the creator. Does that mean it also takes us thousends of years to get back of the state of unity and on the same time healing or connection with nature. When I am reading now that we can go back to one single nation, and when i see what is happening in Israel now. I never saw from a distance so much hate, and it feels for me I just see for the first time even a tiny part of it. That makes me feels very worried. Not only of the hate which is between the people, but meanly also to the nature. It makes me so sad to see whats happening to the whales, rainforest trees and bees and such. Often I feel restlessness and anger inside me against people who are doing this and I don’t know what to do. Do I need to be worried, or is it all just working out how it should be. It just all feels like a long road, and I do have trust, but what happens now in the world and feeling connected with the war because my girlfriends family is there I feel mainly  hopeless.

      • #52000

        Hi Danielle,

        Generally speaking it’s written that the entire correction of creation must take place within 6,000 years. Although we are currently 5,881 years into this process, it can happen at any moment. This is because in spirituality time does not work the same as in our world. Rather, the passage of time is according to the change of desire, from receiving to bestowing. So if we hasten the process of changing our desire to resemble bestowal, and this means we acquire an intention to bestow atop our desire to receive, then we can reach a complete connection with the Creator at any moment.

        Regarding your attitude to the world and everything in it, the Kabbalists teach us that everything that happens is from the Creator. We are not yet developed to the degree where we can understand what He does and why. But we learn that we should try to see everything as happening for our own good. Think about the birth of a child. The process takes quite a toll on both the mother and the baby, but this pressure is necessary for growth and thus acts as a positive force.

        Still, there are some things that happen in the world that you will not be able to view correctly. And the advice is to simply continue and do what is within your power, which for now is mainly delving more deeply into the supportive environment that will help instill the correct thoughts. From that everything else will become clarified.

        I wish you and your family the best!


        • #52106
          Danielle Vergonet

          Dear Joseph, thanks so much! That really helps a lot.

    • #51357
      Danielle Vergonet

      Hi there,

      I have also another question since I started kaballah beside the animal question. Since I started kabbalah I find it difficult to find what is really important in live for me. I searched for this in interviews with Laitman, but I cannot find any information about this. It is my own research, but the kabbalah is questioning me how importing it really is.
      We are people with our own caracteristics and such. I always feel nor a woman, nor a man. Some people do really surgeries for this, to change them in the looks they feel its more them. But I don’t know, I am already busy this for years. How important are our bodies, our gender, our outside beings. People want to look nice, they want to dress what suits who they are. As I woman I always dress in male clothing, just because it always felt way more comfortable. But since I am busy with the kabbalah, I get confused. Is this just a tiny part of ourselves, but which is very important in this live to become the person you feel you are. Or is it not important and make people it important. I am just very curious what your opinions are about this specifik subject.
      Kinds regards Danielle

      • #51513

        Hi Danielle,

        Kabbalah has no opinion on the subject since it only engages in the correction of a person’s inner qualities. The externality is not the matter of correction at all. As you progress in your study, you’ll pay less and less attention to your external world just because it becomes less important. This doesn’t mean it isn’t necessary or you should disregard it in any way (you’ll come to see how to correctly interact and relate to the outer world when you begin correcting your inner qualities) but it just means once you have something more important, eternal and endless that shines for you and that’s what you define as “life” and not these 80 years in this body – you relate to it differently.

        At the same time, you can’t go “against” yourself, and there’s no reason to. Just like you’ve done you’re whole life, you’ll continue to make decisions that bring you more pleasure and less pain. The calculations you’re asking about will just be more of the same, but it has nothing to do with Kabbalah and you won’t advance more or less in relation to it. Do whatever makes you happy as long as it doesn’t hurt others 🙂

        All the best!


        • #51644
          Danielle Vergonet

          Dear Chris,

          Thank you for your answer. That really makes sense and I already thought about it in that way a bit. In the Netherlands were I live it’s lately a big thing that people change their gender and such. Or feel nor woman or male so I was very curious why that is happening. That we have more time to think about it or that generally gender becomes less important. I don’t know. But your answer comfirns a bit what I thought, that it becomes les important.

        • #51645

          Hi Danielle,

          in my opinion what matter is that one dedicates his/her time in studying Kabbalah – wisdom of receiving Light.

          That is one investment that wont vanish.

          If you have X amount of hours of Your free time (outside your work time, family time, friend time, etc.) than if you than spend from this X amount of time 80% thinking about gender issue, you are not investing your time and energy in Kabbalah on full potential as there is only 20% of time left. Which means you are progressing on slow speed. And that is not in your best interest.

          So I would say that this gender issue is Your life challenge to overcome in order to progress. You do what ever makes you feel good so that it doesn’t bother your mind at Your free time and you can progress in full speed.

          As primitive example if one has free time 3 hours from which 2,5 hours of them thinks about eating hamburger but doesn’t do that because its not healthy than one has stolen his/her self those hours of not progressing in this wisdom but thinking about hamburger. Just eat that thing and continue with studying 😉

          That would be my opinion if that interests you 🙂

    • #51355
      Danielle Vergonet

      I have a question I am struggling with. It not really has to do with kabbalah but also a bit i find.
      I am eating vegan together with my partner. We are not hardcore protest vegans, but it just feels the right way to eat for us. I cannot find anywhere what the Kabbalah thinks of eating meat. Because if we want to find to connection between us and make a better world I find the animals are a huge part of that. I think we cannot find true satisfaction inside of ourselves as long as we are slaughtering animals on a massive and crual way. What does the kabbalah say about this? Does one has to do with the other? Does people get more concious and decide to eat naturally no longer meat and fish or is it not important for the kabbalah to purchase the higher goal together.

      I am very curious Danielle

      • #51369

        Hi Danielle,

        Kabbalah does talk about the 4 levels still-vegetative-animate-speaking (human) and the connection between these levels. In short each level sustains the level above it and each level has “feelings”. Rocks also “feel” but on a lower level then plants. Plants  “feel” but on a lower level then animals etc. A Kabbalist is one that attains all these levels within.

        The only part in nature that requires correction is the human level. When all of humanity will reach this state of connection it will lead to perfect harmony in all parts of nature. In this state Kabbalists say “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb”.


        • #51502
          Danielle Vergonet

          Hi Gil,
          Thank you for your answer. So that will come kind of automatically.

    • #50946
      Ty Palodichuk

      Humans are not like a virus. The ego is the virus. We are not the ego. So correcting and regulating the ego can bring man into balance with nature. Would you Agree?

      • #51148


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