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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

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    • #37227
      Maria Gloria Gomez

      When will the class start?

      • #40583

        thank you for your thoughts and  I  can agree but again my question how can one know what is prohibited if one has no concept ov forbidden?and as  adam had not yet eaten ov the tree he would have no concept ov permissible and not permissible.

    • #291996
      mrc s

      Try removing your chargers or electrics away from you..

    • #291394
      mrc s

      I even having a hard time studying.., I’m currently trying to not be lazy.., try not to worry..

    • #291662

      Shalom Michelle – I’m sorry to hear you are having these torments.  I can tell you from personal experience I’ve had similar difficulties  and the creator revealed to me that the problem was my diet.  Being vitamin deficient in certain vitamins and minerals can cause mental torments, depression and even suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to share this with you and the forum as it may help someone. All the best 🙂

    • #291656

      Hi Michele,

      Sometimes there are things that happen in a person’s life that one cannot understand or justify. Only if we view reality according to the goal of creation can we begin to understand the phases of development we undergo on the way.

      The Kabbalists explain that the purpose of creation is to fill the created beings with unbounded delight and pleasure. However, in order to be able to receive that delight, the created beings must undergo a correction of approaching life not according to what I can receive, but what I can give.

      Until a person makes this calculation of wanting to bestow, one will always experience some form of suffering. If  a person feels suffering it is a sign that they are not correctly aimed at the Creator. And the suffering calibrates me to aim my heart to the right direction. But the Creator doesn’t give suffering, He only gives pleasure. It is our inability to correctly relate to His influence that causes the suffering.

      Besides that, there are situations that arise that require a person to seek professional help. A person should make this calculation for themselves.

      Joseph – KabU

    • #291383
      mrc s

      I too experience torment especially at morning.., I hope it heals

    • #286227

      Thank you. I was excommunicated at the kabbalah centre for my negativity and it broke my heart. I truly don’t feel I deserve all this path provides. But I need it and need to share it. Thank you so much. I feel ashamed to ask these things so thanks for allowing my question.


    • #286061

      Hi Mary, here is a reply to your request from our senior instructor Markos:

      The studies of Kabbalah are studies of the spiritual reality, which operate beyond the influences of evil eye and other such forces, and you’re more than welcome to continue your Kabbalah studies here if you so wish. Moreover, since Kabbalah deals solely with the attainment of the spiritual reality, then you needn’t worry about negatively influencing the teachers. If you adhere to the goal, the method, and the means of Kabbalah, then you will get everything you need in order to rise above any negative projections, and discover the spiritual reality that this wisdom guides us to.

      Best regards

    • #286037

      can you please delete my questions.

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