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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 1,207 total)
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    • #371895

      Could it be that the noahide laws are a way for judaism to keep gentiles happy without having to disseminate kabbalah to the world? 

      • #371898

        I’ve never heard of this intention. I’m not sure Kabbalists are concerned with Jews and Gentiles in that respect. Sure, there was a time where Kabbalah was concealed, and there were many ways the Kabbalists kept it from the eyes and ears of the public, but there were Jews who wanted to study Torah omitting the internality. They fought amongst themselves many times over this.

    • #371893

      I always tell people that everything comes from the Creator, none else besides him! but when it comes to my Boss, i get triggered with how rude he is and how he does not care about my reputation, i forget that everything comes from the creator during those moments.  I guess i need more spiritual connection …

      • #371897

        Hey Brad,

        We’re constantly being shown where we are still lacking the complete perception. It’s all a ploy to build a desire that will conquer all other desires!


    • #371784
      mrc s

      Is it better to follow our emotion or thinking?

      • #371836

        We’re feeling beings. Our emotion is a product of our desire. Our thoughts are a product of our emotions, even if we don’t feel it to be this way. Therefore, our thoughts and desires are products of the Will to Receive, which is our essence. So, we can’t rely on either for spiritual advancement.

    • #371360
      mrc s

      Do we suggested to detach from the physical and mental and straight into spiritual?

      • #371837

        We can’t detach, for the reasons I described in response to your question about mind and feeling.

    • #371359
      mrc s

      Is it better to aspire for more lightness (as opposed to denseness) as the spiritual is more ethereal?

      • #371838

        But the spiritual is not ethereal. Our world is ethereal compared to the spiritual, which is much more tangible. It’s completely concealed, which is why we think it’s ethereal.

    • #371358
      mrc s

      Is the Spiritual an experience of nothingness as the Buddhist doctrine?

Viewing 6 posts - 121 through 126 (of 1,207 total)
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