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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 1,210 total)
  • Author
    • #338178
      mrc s

      is the creators pleasure depends on man, doesn’t he feels infinite pleasure?

      • #338290

        We can only speak about how we are impressed by the light–our impression of the Creator’s love for us, His attitude towards us. From this attitude, Kabbalists tell us we feel through that attitude that He receives contentment from our wanting to be like Him.

    • #338176
      mrc s

      its said that none is like solomon after him in wisdom and understanding so we cannot be like solomon?

    • #338128
      mrc s

      Is Kabbalist already in the world of Adam Kadmon or Atzilut?

      • #338155

        Hey mrc,

        This depends on the Kabbalist’s personal attainment and the corrections they have made.


    • #338127
      mrc s

      if i only receive for myself why i can see others but not the creator?

      • #338156

        Hey mrc,

        “Seeing” the Creator would mean one has equivalence of form with Him, with the quality of bestowal.


    • #338073
      mrc s

      So the Creator doesn’t have a desire to receive pleasure, can he feel pain?

      • #338157

        Hey mrc,

        We can equate it to a parent who feels their child’s pain and shares the child’s pleasure.


        • #338177
          mrc s

          so the creator is not in infinite pleasure since he feels humanities pain?

    • #338072
      Zealot Mines

      How can constantly maintain good thoughts, or rather can I avoid bad thoughts? Where do bad thoughts come from?

      • #338158

        Hi Zealot Mines,

        These thoughts will always come, we’re always being pushed to develop, the question is how strong is the environment’s influence on me that I immediately know what to do with those thoughts and re-position/re-aim myself towards the goal correctly?



Viewing 6 posts - 337 through 342 (of 1,210 total)
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