A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 5. The Screen A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

  • #55395

    A question for you before we get started: Why do you think it was decided that all people would be born lacking the tool of spiritual perception?

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 164 total)
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    • #321029

      Because it would have been too easy if only one had the tool, and because people are corrupted.

    • #320376
      Dante Yigael

      So that we can build the correct vessel to receive all the light.

    • #320360

      Because we can’t get to know the Light if we don’t know the darkness first.

    • #319697
      Xavier M

      To give us an opportunity to develop it, the same way we learn everything from scratch in the corporeal world.

    • #318488

      Your question makes one ponder on the beginning of our lives here. I would say for myself that I started out, not remembering prior existence but feeling a strong unity and a very strong love for life, nature, and people.  Over time and after being repeatedly confronted with disappointments, the heart may gradually close and build mechanisms of self protection.  Unfortunately we hurt, build an ego, and hurt others as a result. If we are able to awaken, make a conscious decision that we no longer want to hurt our loved ones, that acting out of emotional or egoistic motivations hurts others, we realize and desire to develop altruism, we also make a conscious decision that we need help to grow and discover a connection with our creator, and seek the means and supporting tools to grow the point in our hearts.

    • #317810

      To wait for the point in the heart to awaken, after we get our fill of food, sex, power, knowledge, etc. Also we realize a emptiness cannot be filled.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 164 total)
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