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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 655 through 660 (of 1,230 total)
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    • #321342
      mrc s

      The will to receive is the self of the Creatures but I want in the end to be like even identical/merge with the creator which is the force of giving, are we stuck with our essence of receiving with only the intention that is giving?

      • #321367

        Our nature will always be the will to receive, this is our matter – but we can use it in a way that resembles that Creator. This is the process until the end of correction. What’s after that – the Kabbalists don’t tell us.


    • #321337
      mrc s

      Why is my life goes downhill, my parents used to be quite rich, I enjoy life but since 15 years ago somehow It all changed?

      • #321366

        That’s something you’ll have to ask the Creator when you reach Him! All we know for now is what the Kabbalists tell us which is that all His actions are only to bring us to truth – the Good that does Good.


    • #321289
      mrc s

      Is judging favorably means thinking others are godly and true even already reach infinite happiness?

      • #321365

        Hey mrc,

        Not that “others” are godly, but this is how the Creator is relating to you – through them. The only thing that needs correction in your reality is you.


    • #321233
      mrc s

      Is Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai more important than Moses and The Zohar than Torah?

      • #321266

        It’s hard to put them on a scale of importance since it’s all one system, but if you look at it as “what’s more relevant for our times” you could say Rashbi was more important for us.


    • #321219
      mrc s

      Is the outer kelim is like an amputated parts of the body that we need to rejoin, then the outer kelim is indeed outside of us that we need only to rejoin?

      • #321264

        Hey mrc,

        Yeah, you could say something like that. Something about what is “shattered” becoming “whole” – our perception of others.


    • #321212
      mrc s

      Is self love not good?

      • #321263

        If our values of good and bad are: good = close to the Creator and bad = distance from the Creator, then we can say that self-love is bad since it separates us from Him.


Viewing 6 posts - 655 through 660 (of 1,230 total)
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