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  • #33838


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    • #320641

      Who will do the daily lesson if, God forbid, something happened to Rav?

      • #320767

        Hey Todd,

        This is certainly something he’s been preparing us for and something the students often probe him for answers about, but thankfully we have thousands of hours to return to and the group would stay strong keeping the same framework. He has made it clear nothing is to change.

        Hopefully, we have many more years!


    • #320639

      When humanity invents things in The corporeal world does it work the same way as kabbalah?  Meaning: does the inventor try and try until at last she has a true desire for the thing to exist and then once she raises her true prayer then the creator grants the ability for that invention to exist?

      • #320766

        Hey Todd,

        I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to say here with this one. I don’t know what kind of ‘inventions’ there would be for a Kabbalists on their way to correcting their soul that the Creator hasn’t already put in place for them to use. There is something to say about “a true desire”, that until we have this true desire within us as a prayer (the ability to bestow without any return for self-benefit) then the Creator cannot answer that prayer. Let me know if you meant something else.


    • #320638

      Where are the souls of Baal hasulam and Rabash?

      • #320765

        Where are they? In some location within the realm of space and time? They made their appearance here in this world, dressed in a body and now there’s no need for a body in this world. You can’t say their “souls” have gone somewhere, though. You can consider what they did for us as a kind of system that they left for us to enter into and there you will feel them as guides along the journey.


    • #320637

      Is the creature in actuality the creator?

      • #320764

        Hi Todd,

        The created being and the Creator are two opposites, but the created being has its root in the Creator. The will to receive and the will to bestow are two opposite forces, yet the will to receive is within, the Creator Himself and ultimately (the end of correction), both will return to, “He and His name are one.”.



    • #320636

      What works of kabbalah did the ari release to the public and why did he release them?

      • #320763

        Hey Todd,

        There are a few that we study. You’ll see mainly The Tree of Life & Bet Shar Kavanot.

        It’s not that they were “released” to the public like something that was hidden and then disclosed, but in his time, even though he died very young, he was still considered the prominent teacher and so whatever he wrote was taken and studied.


    • #320256


      We had a workshop in our ten and there was idea / question what we are? Are we a desire?

      • #320350

        Hey Jurgis,

        Our teacher would often begin lessons with, “There are two forces in reality – the force of reception and the force of bestowal…” and then continue to expand. There’s a lot to this approach as it sets you back to the initial action in creation, where it began, and with what. It’s always good to “zero” out sometimes since we often get lost in our own confusion.

        So, if the Creator created the will to receive, then this is what we are, this is our root. “We”, as you asked, already implies there are “multiple” instances of this will to receive that the Creator created but we know, “He and His name are one” meaning, one Creator and one creature.

        What He created was the will to receive or the “desire” to receive pleasure. This is our nature, this is our root. What we are is desire to receive, just like anything and everything else in creation that is not the Creator – the will to bestow.

        What makes us similar to the Creator as this is the purpose of creation, is inverting the use of this will to receive to be like the quality of the Creator which is bestowing to His creatures. We “receive” in order to bestow. We have no other option, no other “material” to use besides what we have as our WTR, our desire – but how we use it is what the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us which is to use it for the sake of the Creator instead of ourselves.



        • #320598

          So are we WTR that process neutral desire as a “material” but by default in “this world” with intention in order to receive for own self which we need to be corrected with help of Creator so that we gain an option to process neutral desire in order to bestow and by that have same properties with Creator and so merge with Him?

Viewing 6 posts - 667 through 672 (of 1,229 total)
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