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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 1,229 total)
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    • #374254
      mrc s

      Is the 22 paths lesser than the sefirot?

    • #374236

      Did judaism replace kabbalah?

      • #374392

        I know in a way it did, but i wanted to see how you explain it. I always hear people saying christianity or messianic judaism replaced judaism they call it replacement theology, but little do they know, judaism replaced kabbalah …

        • This reply was modified 9 months, 3 weeks ago by Brad.
    • #374230
      mrc s

      aside from choosing our environment do we have free will to choose what to think and feel and move our body?

    • #374152
      mrc s

      Free choice of choosing the right environments seem big enough area to choose, in what we are not free?

      • #374650

        We think we’re “choosing” when we look at the items on the menu at a restaurant, this gives us the perception of choice. That’s just a metaphor of course. Choosing the environment gives us which restaurants to choose and which items on the menu are available.

    • #373891

      I asked this last week but i don’t think it was answered, rather i got an explanation of what the two mean. Q- Does being biologically  born a Jew have any advantage over being Born a Non Jew?

      • #373973

        Ah ok, I misunderstood then. The answer then would be no if you’re asking in relation to spiritual advancement since “Jew” only refers to this aspect of a person according to Kabbalah, and not who their mother was.

    • #373741

      Is the nefesh the point in the heart? Because that is also translated as soul.

      • #373972

        Neshama is translated as soul in the sense you’re asking about. Nefesh is more of like…”life force” and not the eternal part of a person, the “soul” which is Neshama.

        • #374237

          So nefesh is when we are like the same level as animal ? It can’t be referring to “The Soul” because animals don’t reincarnate and can’t have equivalence of form with the creator?

Viewing 6 posts - 79 through 84 (of 1,229 total)
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