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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 937 through 942 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #295534
      mrc s

      <p style=”text-align: right;”>Is our soul at rest, static or moving.?</p>

      • #296212


        Only the upper light is in complete rest. There’s no such thing as any part of creation that is static. We are always undergoing changes and advancing towards the Creator regardless of whether or not we are aware of them.

        Joseph – KabU

        • #296255
          mrc s


    • #295505

      How do we turn our prayers to the Creator? Is it just a matter of intention?

      • #296211

        Hi Peter,

        A prayer is whatever is in a persons heart, this is our intention, there is nothing more then that. Through our connection with others we learn how to pray. Alone I am incapable of correctly aiming myself to the Creator. Only when I am in the correct environment performing mutual actions with others, together we help each other to raise our prayer to the Creator.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295486
      mrc s

      Is the first and second restriction already happened in the past..?

      • #296210

        Hi Mrc,

        Most of what we learn regarding the actions of the partzufim and sefirot describes a process that takes place before the birth of the souls in this world, this includes the first and second restriction.

        Besides that, we also learn what actions the created beings must perform from below upwards, such as restriction, screen, and reflected light. There is from above below and from below above.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295460
      mrc s

      Is Adam kadmon part of creation or just atziluth, beriah, yetzirah and assiya?

      • #296172


        Adam Kadmon is considered the Creator. The place of the souls and what we refer to as creation are the worlds of Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295355

      What is Atik Yomin?

      • #296171


        About this it is written, “Introduction of The Book of Zohar,” Article “Rabbi Shimon’s Exit from the Cave,” Item 186: And that light stands from the heaven to the earth and illuminates the entire world until Atik Yomin, meaning Keter, arrives and properly sits on the throne, meaning until the end of correction.”

        More than this I cannot say. A person reveals this only in the end of correction.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295257
      mrc s

      When does the work on receiving in order to bestow, is it right after crossing the machsom..? Or after the revival of the dead..?

      • #296170


        Yes, receiving in order to bestow takes place after the crossing of the machsom.

        Joseph – KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 937 through 942 (of 1,192 total)
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