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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 925 through 930 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #296744
      mrc s

      Does the the collective soul descent and becomes individual animate souls.?

      • #297000

        That’s not exactly how Kabbalists describe it. It’d be more accurate to say the “descent” is the introduction of the perception of separated parts instead of one whole. The greater the descent, the greater separation until completely “in order to receive”.


    • #296720
      mrc s

      What is the advice if I have an superiority complex..?

      • #296999

        Kabbalah doesn’t relate to a person’s qualities. This is given to a person from nature and it’s not what is broken or what needs correction. The only thing a person needs to correct is how they relate to others and through them to the Creator. The revelation of these “obstacles” that prevent a person from relating to others correctly, should bring joy since now they have a reason to turn to Him for correction.


    • #296719
      mrc s

      If I feel more suffering is it means that I am more inferior..?

    • #296717
      mrc s

      Is childhood always better or is it because we are less egoistic..?

      • #296993

        This is interesting to reflect on because as kids we’re only looking to play, it’s how we grow. As adults, we kind of look at that as a lower form of development but in truth, it’s how we should continue to develop. Taking everything so serious adds to our false perception of control. Less egoistic is also partially true.

    • #296716
      mrc s

      If we reincarnate do we retain the same state..?

      • #296836


        Such things are hidden from a person. According to the Kabbists, a person may go through many incarnations on their path to the final correction. And if a person fails to fully realize the opportunity given to them in this life, then they will continue until they ultimately reach the goal. But there is no such thing as moving backward in spirituality. We always move forward.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #296715
      mrc s

      Does the individual souls separated in the breaking of the vessels or they still connected to each other’s as a whole collective..?

      • #296835


        The breaking of the vessels caused a shattering in the perception of the souls to such an extent that they lost the awareness of any kind of connection. The connection remains, but it is no longer perceived.

        Joseph – KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 925 through 930 (of 1,192 total)
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