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  • #33838


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Viewing 6 posts - 931 through 936 (of 1,192 total)
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    • #296481
      mrc s

      Do we have to think that people deserve every pain and suffering they experience or have compassion on them.?

      • #296833


        Of course a person should try and be compassionate and to justify what happens in the world since everything is done by the Creator, but this is not the way of Kabbalah to think that someone deserves to suffer. We need to try and accelerate our development by working more strongly on connection and in this way to alleviate the suffering of humanity. We can do it together.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #296440
      mrc s

      At stages of spirituality of receiving to bestow (to God) we still use giving to give right because it is the way with people..?

      • #296831

        I do not understand what you mean that it is the way with people.

        If you will be in a state of receiving in order to bestow then that is your state. And if you will be in the state of giving to give or bestowing in order to bestow then that will be your state. It all depends on the degree of a person’s development.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #296382
      mrc s
      1. What is the difference between the world adam kadmon and ein sof..?
      • #296828

        Hi Mrc,

        Adam Kadmon and Ein Sof are both referred to as Keter. The distinction is that Ein Sof will be the reality discovered at the end of correction.

        Joseph KabU

    • #296191
      mrc s

      Is the lowest world the most egoistic, I read that our desire is not much and more egoism is revealed in higher stages..?

      • #296215


        You are asking about two separate things here. It is true that with respect to the spiritual worlds, the lower world, being Malchut, is considered the most egoistic and coarse compared to the higher worlds.

        However, within the system of that world there are degrees we must ascend, and according to those degrees a greater degree of egoism is revealed the higher we rise.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295872
      mrc s

      Does our pain because our disparity of God’s infiniteness, goodness or power..?

      • #296214


        Yes, all human suffering is due to a lack of equivalence of form with the Creator.

        Joseph – KabU

    • #295856
      mrc s

      Is what we highly esteemed is disgusting before God.., what does it mean..?

      • #296213


        I’m not sure I understand the question. But what matters is our intention, meaning how much we aim our hearts to bestow to the Creator in every action. If this is our intention, then whatever desire is in us is irrelevant.

        Joseph – KabU

Viewing 6 posts - 931 through 936 (of 1,192 total)
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