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  • #33838


    Ask any question and get an answer from a KabU instructor! (for tech questions see “Tech Support” Section)

Viewing 6 posts - 931 through 936 (of 1,206 total)
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    • #297226
      mrc s

      If studying Kabbalah brings more conflict and suffering to other people do we preffered to study Kabbalah..?

      • #297328

        I haven’t experienced this to be the case, nor have I read or heard of Kabbalah leading to conflict and suffering. The only cause of this is none else besides Him.

        Now, if you’re asking whether or not you should continue studying because it’s causing conflict in your life perhaps with someone who is not understanding or work, for example, then I would make it strictly an inner study while on the outside it’s as if nothing has changed with you and no one can say anything about how it bothers them.


    • #297222
      mrc s

      Does below receiving to receive possible..?

    • #297220
      mrc s

      Does Kabbalah believe in white lie..?

      • #297326

        Kabbalah can’t believe in anything since it’s based only on the laws of nature. The revelation of these laws and participation with them, when observed, a person can then say they “believe” them, which really means they feel them as truth. Lies are mere attempts to change reality. Our goal is to change ourselves.

    • #297219
      mrc s

      Do we should best use our logic more or emotions/feelings..?

      • #297325

        We of course need the mind to perform calculations, but the main thing in the study is the heart. If you change the heart then the new mind follows. Even more, if you chase spirituality with your mind then you’ll certainly be led astray since the mind only serves the heart.

    • #296801
      mrc s

      Does man born from something..?

      • #297324

        Born out of the image of the Creator. Him being the will to bestow, existence from existence, and the created being as the will to receive – the opposite – existence from absence.

    • #296800
      mrc s

      Before the soul of Adam harishon broke they have a screen and completely giving to the Creator?

      • #297043


        Yes, that is correct. So you could ask the question why was the breaking of the soul necessary?

        This is because in order to receive the abundance from the Creator, which is the purpose of creation, there has to be an independent desire to be in adhesion with the Creator. And before the breaking of the soul of a Adam HaRishon, there was no such independent desire, but rather everything was organized according to the will of the Creator.

        Joseph – KabU

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